Config Settings

Config Options gives you the ability to define the parameters, or metadata, that will export along with the geometry, as well as providing some advanced options for applying various transformations.

The Config Options column in the Model Exporter will report three different states.

  1. Basic - Indicates the Config Options have not been defined by you. This is the default state of an unpublished Model Stream.
  2. Previous - Uses the same Config Options as a previous export. This indicates that you're updating an existing Model Stream and not publishing a new one. The settings are pulled from the previous project and are not dependent on the Model Stream being updated from the same computer, or even by the same user.
  3. Custom - Indicates that the Config Options have been modified during your current session.
  4. Config Options can be configured in bulk by multi-selecting the listed Model Files in the Model Exporter window then clicking within any of the Config Options field that corresponds with your selection.

The Parameters tab in the Config Options window allows the user to define what metadata will be exported along with the geometry. The Basic Tags are also displayed along the top of the search bar. Basic Tags will be included in every export regardless of configuration.

Choose your desired tags and/or properties by expanding a category and checking the box next to a value. In the image below, we see that the Voltage and Wattage for the Electrical Equipment will be exported as a tag and that the Length and Volume for Structural Columns will be exported as properties. Additionally, clicking in the Click to rename... field in the Tag Alias Name column, the Length of the Structural Columns has been renamed to Cut Length. Renaming these values is a quick and easy way to achieve consistency when pulling geometry and metadata from files authored by various different organizations that may be using different values to represent the same data.

With the Show Unselected box checked (in the bottom left corner), all available parameters will be displayed. With the Show Unselected box un-checked, only the selected parameters will be displayed, this allows the user to easily view the current configuration.

Use the Import Parameters and Exporter Parameters buttons to save your configuration to a local file or to import a previously saved configuration.

The Advanced tab allows Scale, Rotate, and Translate (move) options upon export. Settings configured in the Advanced Options are retained in future model updates.

To change the name of the Model Stream simply click in the Rename Model Stream field and enter the desired name.

If desired, check the Include Lines in Export box to include 2D and 3D line work.

  • Scale, Rotate and Translate / Move provides a way to adjust the model as needed up export
  • Rename Model Stream provides a way to rename the model file upon export
    • The new name will appear in the Objects panel and as a value within the Tag Category "Model"
  • Include Lines in Export provides a way to include 2D and 3D line work upon export

Overview - Configuring Model Streams Parameters tab

Item Description
1 Parameter Name Displays the Property Set Name and the Property Name of the metadata.
2 Export Property Will export the Property Name with the existing value for each model object.
3 Create Tag Will utilize the Property Name to create a Tag name with the existing value for each model object.
4 Tag Alias Name Provides the capability to control what the Tag name is during the export of the model.
5 Export Parameters Once the desired “Export Property”, “Create Tag,” and “Tag Alias Name” columns have been selected and filled out, then select Export Parameters to save these settings to use on similar models.
6 Import Parameters If previous parameters have been exported, then select Import Parameters to populate Parameters.

Step by Step — Config Settings - Parameters

  1. Within the Model Exporter window, select Basic.

    • The Config Options window opens with the initial focus on parameters

    The Parameters tab in the Config Options window allows the user to define what metadata will be exported along with the geometry.

    The Basic Tags are also displayed along the top of the search bar. Basic Tags will be included in every export regardless of configuration.

  2. Select the desired tags and/or properties to export with the Model Stream.

    • Create Tag will create a tag category and tag value metadata for the relative model objects
      • Column Location Mark, Length and Volume will be the tag categories within InEight Model
    • Export Property will create property category and property value metadata for the relative model objects
      • Fire Rating and Manufacturer will be the Property Categories within InEight Model
    • Tag Alias name will rename the Category name
      • Length will be renamed to Cut Length during the export
      • Renaming these values is a quick and easy way to achieve consistency when pulling geometry and metadata from files authorized by different organizations that may be using different values to represent the same data
  3. Select or unselect Show Unselected.

  4. Select Import Parameters or Export Parameters.

  5. Select OK when you have completed.

Step by Step — Config Settings - Scale / Rotate / XYZ

  1. Select the Advanced tab from the Model Exporter.
    • The Advanced tab shows options to manipulate the model.
    • If the Scale Factor, Rotate, and/or the XYZ are needed to adjust the model then they are applied in the displayed order from top to bottom (Scale Factor > Rotate > XYZ).
  2. Add a scale factor to adjust the scale of the model as needed.
  3. Add a Rotation angle by degrees as needed.
  4. Add X, Y, and Z coordinates as needed.
  5. Click OK when done with Config Options.

Step by Step — Config Settings - Rename Model Stream

  1. Select the Advanced tab from the Model Exporter.
    • The model file name might change if the designer or architect puts a revision status or date on the file name with every version.
    • The Rename Model Stream lets you rename the model stream without changing the model file name and provides a consistent model stream name for all end users to access.
  2. Type a Model Stream Name.
  3. Click OK when done with Config Options
    • The Project Structure shows the Renamed Model Stream and, in the Revision History, shows the Model Stream Source File name.
    • The Tags and Objects panel shows the Renamed Model Stream in the Object tab for the project team to use throughout the project.
    • .

Step by Step — Config Settings - Link to a different Model Stream

  1. In the Model Exporter, you might see a message of “Resolve Model Conflict…**” in the Location column. This is a result of multiple models loaded with similar names. Click Resolve Model Conflict…**

  2. If the model stream is not shown, then click Export as New…

  3. Choose a location.
    • You can only select the parent level or a group level location.
  4. Click OK to close the Choose Location dialog box.
  5. Click OK to close the Resolve Conflict dialog box.
  6. Click Basic in the Config Options column.

  7. Click the Advanced tab.  
  8. Click Choose different model…

  9. In the Choose Location dialog box, select a Model Stream to link to.

  10. Click OK when done with Config Options.