Analyze Model Changes

Analyze Model Changes provides the ability to compare models over time. The comparison is not limited to two models, the comparison is triggered off two calendar dates, which could include 2 or more model stream revisions.

The comparison will provide which model stream was compared, how many objects were added, how many objects we updated, and how many objects were removed.

The comparison will also create a new Tag Category named Tag_User with two tag values: (date range) (Model Stream Name)_added and (date range) (Model Stream Name)_updated.

Also, a Style Set is created within the Styling Panel with the name (date range) (Model Stream Name)

Step by Step — Analyze Model Changes

  1. Have two versions of the model stream published.
  2. Within the Project Structure dialog box, select on a model stream to identify the date range to use for the comparison.

  1. Close Project Structure dialog box.
  2. Close Project Structure dialog box.

  3. Select the Model Stream, set the date time frames, then click OK.

  • The Analysis of Model Changes Completed dialog box will open

  • Tag_User category was created with two values “_added” and “_updated”

  • A Style Set was created coloring the “Added” objects Lime Green and the “Updated” objects Orange