Hot Keys

Click to open a one page PDF copy of the InEight Model Hot Keys.

Viewer Navigation
Function Action Description
Orbit Left click and hold to revolve around, or orbit, the object or model
Pan Right click and hold to maintain the object’s position while moving, or panning, your view of the object or model
Zoom (to center of view) Scroll the wheel away from you to zoom in and toward you to zoom out
Zoom to Cursor Hold the CTRL key and use the scroll wheel to zoom to, and away from, the cursor. Your cursor must be over a model element
Zoom to Object / Set Center Double left click an object to zoom the camera to an object. This will set the center of orbit to the object
Zoom to Selected Object Select an object and press the F5 key to zoom the camera to frame the selection
Zoom to Home Position Use the Home key or double click the mouse wheel to zoom the camera to frame the extents and home position of the 3D environment
First Person Toggle



Adjust Walk Speed


Walk Speed enables you to change the speed up or slow down when walking through the model


Model Object Selection
Function Action Description
Select Object


Allows you to select an object

Select Transparent Object

Allows you to select transparent objects
Add / Remove to Selection


Adds unselected objects to the current selection set, or, removes selected objects from the existing selection set
Window Selection


Selects objects completely within the window
Crossing Selection


Selects objects that are both completely in the window and those that cross into the window

Select All

Initiates the select all action.

A dialog box will appear to confirm this action

Invert Selection

Inverts the selection set of objects
Restore Previous Selection

Restores the selection set to the previous selected objects
Selection Filter Opens the Selection Filter dialog box and allows you to filter down the selection set
Clear Selection Clears the current selection


Model Object View
Function Action Description
Isolate Mode Toggles between the entire model and an isolated view of the selected objects
Show Selected Shows all selected objects
Hide Selected Hides all selected objects
Hide Unselected

Hides all unselected objects
Show All Shows all objects and models in a project
Show Model Spots



Marks the model’s spot within the space so that the model is identifiable no matter how far out you zoom

Toggle Full Screen

Toggles the window size and position between a customizable (F11) and full screen window


Function Action Description
Selection Information Opens the Selection Information Panel where you can view the attributes and metadata of your selected objects



Master Presets



Opens the Master Presets Panel where you can quickly select or create a master preset

Coordination Opens the Coordination Panel where you can quickly run rules and see your results
Data Transformation Operations Opens the Data Transformation Operations Panel


Function Action Description
Tag Selected Opens the Tag Panel to allow you to select and apply tags to your selected objects


Function Action Description
Load Project Opens the Load Model Project Dialog Box where you can quickly load additional models
Command History Opens the Command History Panel where you can view any and all saved changes