Assign Styles Using Excel

Before beginning, ensure you have only one instance of InEight Model and one instance of Excel open. Matching unique tag category and values need to be in the model and in Excel.

Within the Tags and Objects menu, identify a Category Name and its values. For this example, the Tag Category will be Material and the Values are also shown as Glass, Metal and Stone.

In Excel, type the tag and object names into the first cell on the Excel sheet.

Now that there is a unique tag category with values within excel that match the model, a style set can be pushed from excel into the model.

Step by Step — Color Excel Cells

  1. Add color to the cells.
  2. Within the Excel menu bar, select the InEight tab.
  3. Within the Visual Reporting section:
    • Set ID Tag: click on a cell within the Tag Category, then select Set ID Tag.
    • Set Color: click on a cell that has the color identified, then select Set Color.
  4. In this case, the Set ID Tag and Set Color happen to be in the same column of Material. To push these colors into the model and create a new style set, select Show in Model.
    • Your project in Model will reflect the colors selected for those objects. Once Show in Model is executed, a new style set is created within the Styles Sets tab under Visual Reports
    • This style will not be saved with the project in this state.

  5. To save this style set with the project, right click on the style set and select Duplicate Selected Style Set.
    • This new Style Set will appear under the project name
    • All model objects that were not affected by the defined color receive a transparency.