Model 23.6 Release Notes

  • Coordination panel enhancement – The coordination panel has been updated and is now split into two stand-alone panels, Clash Manager, and Issue Manager. ClosedRead more

    The Clash Manager lets you create flexible rules to detect geometric clashes between model objects. The Issue Manager lets you group and manage the geometric clashes and associated information through resolution. You can go to Clash manager and Issue manager by clicking the Logic menu.

    • Clash manager - The Clash Manager panel has been updated with additional features and has an updated user interface that lets you better define, manage, and organize clash rules. ClosedRead more

      • Rule Tab - In the Rules tab, the rules and groups now show side-by-side. In the Groups window, you can organize your rules in groups. You can use the quick action icons at the top of the panel to perform the most common rule and group clash functions. You can add rules and groups; run rules and groups; edit rules; export, import, and duplicate rules; and delete rules or groups.

        Rules and rule groups are listed alphabetically.

        When you create, select, or edit a rule, the Rule definition slide-out panel shows at the bottom of the pane. You can use the expand icon at the top right of the slide-out to show or hide the panel. The rule definition slide-out is no longer a modal. When creating or editing a rule, you are no longer locked in the rule definitions slide-out panel and unable to access the model project items. You can now interact with your model project when editing or creating a new rule.

        Enhancements have been made to the Rule Definition slide-out panel. The tolerance settings have been updated to allow for 7-digit precision and a 4-digit scale. For example, you can enter numbers such as 333.3333.

        Tolerance setting offerings will support Expand (expands geometry in all directions), Sphere (establishes a spherical clash tolerance), and Cylinder (establishes a cylindrical clash tolerance). Scale and Bounding Box are no longer supported.

        You can add rules to groups by dragging them into the group folder, or by selecting the rule and clicking the Add to Group button.

        Drag and Drop:

        Add to Group:

      • Results tab - In the Results tab, the clash results are automatically grouped by their primary object, the primary tag defined in the rule. This grouping speeds up the process of identifying object issues. You can use the quick action icons at the top of the panel to perform results related tasks.

        You can now view clashes and other tag-related information associated with the clashes. The Select Tag Name drop-down has been added to view an additional tag value. You can view the primary object, number of clashes, and other tag data. This lets you better manage and prioritize clashes based on various tag values.

    • Issue manager - The Issue Manager panel has been updated with additional features and has an updated user interface and data that lets you better manage from the creation to the closeout of project issues. ClosedRead more

      You can use the quick action icons at the top of the panel to perform the most common rule and group clash functions.

      You can add issues and groups, edit issues, export, import, update issue status, and delete issues and groups.

      • Issue list - The issue list has been consolidated to provide a quick overview of the issues, issue assignee, and issue status. All other information related to the issue can be viewed in the details tab. A count of total open issues is maintained at the bottom right corner, to provide a quick overview of open issues within the project.

      • Details tab - All relevant information pertaining to the issue is stored in the details tab. From the details tab, you can now edit thumbnails (screenshot associated with the issue).


        You can now set a 3D pin associated with an issue. 3D Pinning lets you associate an issue with relevant 3D geometry. You can select Go To Pin to move your view window to the pin location.

        Relevant metadata associated with issues can be viewed and modified in the tab. These sections are collapsible so that you can manage what information is shown, ensuring that the most relevant information is always present.

        In the details panel, you can view summaries of the clash, views, and attachment information. These summaries can be expanded into an additional information tab that lets you further investigate those items.

      • Additional information tab - You can review issue details in the additional information tab. In some sections, when you click the Expand right arrow icon, you will navigate to the Additional information tab.

        In the Additional information tab, you can view relevant clash information associated with the issue. You can also navigate to these clashes, turn on or off visibility of individual clashes, and update the clash status to ignore, and remove clashes if needed.

  • Element Claiming Tab– In the Elements panel, a new Claiming tab has been added that synchronizes claiming schemes from InEight Plan with Model. ClosedRead more

    The new Claiming tab integrates with InEight Plan and allows Model to show geometry with the associated claiming schemes.

    The Claiming tab has been added to view specific claiming item details for a component that makes up the percent complete. The details are pulled from Plans’ activity component in Claiming.

    Any component claiming updates made in Plan sync with Model in real time. A You have project updates notification shows in the Project Updates panel.

  • Model Performance – Performance enhancements that speed up Model processes have been completed. Model projects that have not been updated locally for some time will experience faster performance when launching and updating their models.

Admin Tools Release Notes

In this release, no features were added but technical improvements were made in the background to enhance your experience in Admin Tools.

Excel Plugin Release Notes

In this release, no features were added but technical improvements were made in the background to enhance your experience in Excel Plugin.