Platform 23.12 Release Notes

  • Edit system-managed UOM – In Master data libraries > Unit of measure, the Description field for InEight system managed units of measure can be modified. To edit system-managed UOMs, you must have the Edit UoM permission.

  • Estimating resources – Validation in InEight Platform now allows negative man-hour values for Estimating Resources during a conformed budget import.

  • InEight Explore permission – The permission View shared dashboards and embedded content only was added to Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Explore. This permission allows Reporting admins to see all dashboards and gives them the ability to set visibility of the dashboard on or off.

  • InEight Report permission - The permission View integration reports has been added to Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Reporting. When this permission when selected, it only allows users to access reports through other InEight applications (i.e., Contract, Change, Compliance, etc.) and hides Report and the report list.

APIM Integrations 23.12 Release notes

The InEight cloud platform continually adds new integrations and works to improve existing integrations based on customer feedback. These release notes provide a summary only. For additional information, refer to the integration specification changelog in Resources > APIM Documents and the InEight API Developer Portal.

New integrations

InEight Control

Change Order (Generic)

  • Description: This integration allows a customer to retrieve information about contract adjustments and budget moves from the InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List Change Order

InEight Estimate

Pay Items

  • Description: These integrations allow a customer to read and export, create and update, and delete pay items between their internal systems and the InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List PayItems, Upsert PayItems, Delete PayItems

Integration changes

InEight Platform


  • Change: Added new fields for OwnerLegalName and TaxId to the integrations.
  • Name in APIM: List Projects, Upsert Projects