Platform 24.3 Release Notes

General release is available starting 08-APR-2024.

Updated 13-MAY-2024

  • InEight Model mobile permission – The Launch Model mobile permission was added to Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Model > Model. This permission allows users to open Model mobile for a project or organization from the left navigation menu when the application is already installed, otherwise an option shows to download and install it.

  • InEight Contract supporting document permissions – The Add supporting document permission under Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Contract > Contracts > View contracts > Edit supporting document was moved up a level, which now makes it accessible to a Base user. The Add supporting document permission for Bid packages was also moved up a level to make it accessible to a Base user.

  • InEight Change supporting document permissions – The Add supporting document permission under Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Change > Change > View Change > Edit supporting document was moved up a level, which now makes it accessible to a Base user.

  • InEight Control forecast cost categories permissions - The View forecast cost categories and Edit forecast cost categories permissions were added to Roles and Permissions > Permissions > Control > Forecasting > View live forecast. These permissions allow a user to view and edit the Live forecast and the Forecast remaining cost columns for cost item cost categories in the Forecast data block.

  • Added Employee State column - In Master data libraries > Operational resources > Employees, the Employee State column was added that indicates whether an employee is active or expired in the system based on their start and end dates.

APIM Integrations 24.3 Release notes

The InEight cloud platform continually adds new integrations and works to improve existing integrations based on customer feedback. These release notes provide a summary only. For additional information, refer to the integration specification changelog in Resources > APIM Documents and the InEight API Developer Portal.

New integrations

InEight Platform


  • Description: These integrations allow a customer to read and export, create and update, and delete allowance payroll indicators between their internal systems and the InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List Allowances, Upsert Allowances

Attendance Types

  • Description: These integrations allow a customer to read and export, create and update, and delete attendance type payroll indicators between their internal systems and the InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List AttendanceTypes, Upsert AttendanceTypes

Employee Premiums

  • Description: These integrations allow a customer to read and export, create and update, and delete employee premium payroll indicators between their internal systems and the InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List EmployeePremiums, Upsert EmployeePremiums

Integration changes

InEight Platform

Project Emlpoyees

  • Change: The UnionSourceSystemID field, a non-required field for project employees, has been removed from the integrations.
  • Name in APIM: List ProjectEmployees, Upsert ProjectEmployees