Platform 24.5 Release Notes

General release is available starting 03-JUN-2024.

Updated 03-JUN-2024

  • InEight Platform attributes permissions – In Roles and permissions > Permissions > Master data libraries, the Field attributes permissions section was replaced with new permissions for Attributes.

  • InEight Platform project permissions – Two new permissions have been added in Roles and permissions > Permissions > Organization and project > Projects for View project dates and View project contract details. These permissions allow the user to see the information on the Project details page.

  • InEight Platform Project value types permissions – A set of new permissions have been added in Roles and permissions > Permissions > Master data libraries > Project value types to view and manage project value types master data.

  • InEight Contract permissions - In Roles and permissions > Permissions > Contract > Contracts, the permissions Approve/Reject payment forms, Approve/Reject vendor change orders, and Approve/Reject contracts are selected by default in the System Admin, Account Admin and Dev/Ops admin roles created by InEight Service Account.

  • InEight applications showing in the Main menu – The Main menu navigation has been updated to show only the product applications that have an active license, and that the user has permissions to access. Previously, users would see all InEight applications even if the organization did not have a license for them.

  • Markets master data – A new page has been added for markets in Main menu > Master data libraries. Previously, the market master data existed on the Markets tab in the Attributes master data page.

  • Attributes master data – Data that was previously shown as Field attributes master data in InEight Plan has been migrated to the Attributes page in master data and shows in the Created by column as System. With the field attributes data now included in the Attributes master data page, the Field attributes master data page has been deleted from Master data libraries. ClosedRead more

    The Attributes page in Master data libraries has been redesigned to improve the usability of managing and assigning attributes in projects. You can have many attributes, which can then be assigned to project values, disciplines, and commodities to help organize and store pertinent information that can be used for filtering and reporting. When the Status column shows an attribute is Available, then the attribute can be used and assigned to a project. The Hide unavailable toggle when set to On filters the view to show only the attributes that can be assigned.

    With the applicable permissions, you can add and edit attributes in the slide-out panel in master data. After an attribute is created in master data it cannot be deleted, however, the status can be changed to Unavailable and the attribute cannot be selected and assigned to a project. For more information about the Attributes master data, see Attributes.

  • Project value types master data – A new page has been added to Master data libraries for project value types. Project value types master data provides standardized data that can be shared and used across multiple InEight applications. ClosedRead more

    When the Status column shows a project value type is Available, then the project value type can be used and assigned to a project. The Hide unavailable toggle when set to On filters the view to show only the project value type that can be assigned.

    With the applicable permissions, you can add and edit project value types in the slide-out panel in master data. After a project value type is created in master data it cannot be deleted. However, you can set the status of the project value type to Unavailable, which hides it at the project level so it cannot be selected and assigned.

    If the Required field set to True, the project value type is automatically included in the data set of predetermined values that are available when a new project is created and is also pushed out to existing projects. If the Required field set to False, the project value type can still be added to a project from master data individually.

    Click the name of the project value type to see the list of attributes assigned to it. You can assign additional attributes or select existing attributes to delete them.

    For this release when you add a new project value type in master data, do not initially set it to be required before assigning attributes. If you save project value type initially as required, the attributes will not show assigned at the project level. Instead, create the new project value type, save it, and then assign attributes. Next, select the project value type, then edit it and select the Required check box.

    For more information about the Project value types master data, see Project value types.

  • Disciplines and commodities master data – Both the Disciplines and Commodities master data pages have been updated to have the same functionality as project value types, where you can choose a status, add attributes, and remove attributes. ClosedRead more

    You can also click the name of the discipline and commodity to assign additional attributes or remove attributes.

    For more information about the Disciplines and Commodities master data, see Disciplines and commodities.

  • Assign project value types in a project – A new page, Assigned project value types has been added to project > Project Settings that lets you assign and manage project value types for the project. In the Assigned project value types page it shows a list of all existing project value types assigned. ClosedRead more

    The Required column shows which project value types were defined in master data as required and are automatically assigned to the project. If a project value type that is not required has been assigned to the project, you can select it, and then click Remove project value types from project. Project value types that are required cannot be removed from the project.

    Click Assign project value types to project to assign additional project value types from master data. Only project value types that have a status of Available in master data are shown in the dialog box.

    Attributes assigned to the project value type in master data are included with the project value type when it is assigned to a project. You can click Assign attributes to add more attributes project value type at the project level. If you do not what to use an associated attribute, you can change the status to Unavailable to exclude it.

  • Project value definitions – In this release, improvements have been made that let you better define project values, which are used in the project structure. After the project value type and associated attributes are assigned, the data set shows in project > Project Settings > Project values. ClosedRead more

    Click the Add icon to add the individual project value for the project value type and the associated attributes to provide data where the project value is used in the project. To save the value, click outside of the fields in the line. You can edit any of the fields, however the ID must be unique.

  • Project structure – Changes have been made to project > Project Settings > Project structure to add flexibility and improve usability when creating and maintaining the hierarchy. Some of the changes include being able to extend the project definition after it is locked, dynamically add project values in the definition, assign children to a parent node in bulk, and use the status to exclude items in the hierarchy. ClosedRead more

    If you start to create the project structure definition and publish it, the hierarchy is locked for those items. Click Structure definition to open the Project definition dialog box where you can add to the bottom of the hierarchy and extend it up to eight levels.

    You can also add project values in the definition.

    Previously, you could only assign a child to a parent node at one time. Now, you can select the parent and assign multiple children at one time.

    Once an entity is added to the hierarchy it cannot be removed. A status was added to each entity in project structure and by changing the status to Unavailable it allows you to not show when the Hide unavailable toggle is set to On.

  • Add employee to project dialog box – In Assigned operational resources > Employees, the Add employee to project dialog box has been updated to show only employees that have an end date that is equal to the current date or is in the future.

APIM Integrations 24.5 Release notes

The InEight cloud platform continually adds new integrations and works to improve existing integrations based on customer feedback. These release notes provide a summary only. For additional information, refer to the integration specification changelog in Resources > APIM Documents and the InEight API Developer Portal.

New integrations

InEight Change


  • Description: This integration allows a customer to consolidate issues in one place by importing issues in bulk or connecting to a third- party issue creation tool.
  • Name in APIM: Create Issues

InEight Control

Actuals (Generic)

  • Description: This integration allows a customer to retrieve information about actuals (cost, manhours, quantity, equipment hours) from InEight cloud platform.
  • Name in APIM: List Actuals Generic

Integration changes

Updated 04-JUN-2024

InEight Contract

Goods Receipt (Request)

  • Change: Added fields related to estimated tax details for each line in the Goods Receipt Request integration.
  • Name in APIM: Not available in APIM.

InEight Platform


  • Change: The IsActive field has been updated to align with standard InEight use of this field, which is for soft deleting records from the system. Soft deleting records is not recommended, therefore, the value for IsActive should be True or blank.
  • Name in APIM: List Employees, Upsert Employees

Project Values

  • Change: The URL has been changed from customgroupelement to ProjectValues, renamed IsActive field to IsAvailable, added ID field, and deleted Code field.
  • Name in APIM: List ProjectValues, Upsert ProjectValues