9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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General release is available starting 07-OCT-2024.
Updated 22-OCT-2024
Precision added to Numeric type attribute – In Master data > Attributes, you can now choose the precision for a Numeric type attribute instead of using the Decimal type, which is no longer available. In addition, the Max length field has been replaced with the Maximum decimal places drop-down list (0-15). Read more
Master data required payroll indicators – When you create a new payroll indicator in master data and make it required, the payroll indicator is now assigned to both new and existing projects. Previously, when you created a new payroll indicator, it would only be assigned to new projects.
Create projects in a sub organization – When you have a role in a sub-organization with the Add projects permission, you can now add projects in the sub-organization. Previously, you needed to have a role with permissions in the root organization to add projects in a sub-organization.
Master data libraries Status column - A new column has been added to General ledger accounts, Payment terms, Incoterms, and Revenue categories in Master data libraries. When the status of a list item is set to Available, the item can be used and assigned to a project. The Delete icon has been removed and unused items can now instead be set to Unavailable. The Hide unavailable toggle has been added to the page and when set to On, the view is filtered to show only the items that can be assigned to a project.
InEight Estimate permissions – The Account Admin role has been updated to include all permissions under the Estimate product (Jobs, Snapshots, and Estimate) and in Master data libraries > Estimate.
Updated 19-SEP-2024
The InEight cloud platform continually adds new integrations and works to improve existing integrations based on customer feedback. These release notes provide a summary only. For additional information, refer to the integration specification changelog in Resources > APIM Specifications and the InEight API Developer Portal.
Quote Items
Quote Packages
Payment Payform
Actuals user defined and Estimate resources
Actual Quantity - Sync (Not available in APIM, refer to the InEight Control Integration Specification.)
Create Actuals Sync
Create Actuals Generic
List Actuals
Create MultiProject Actuals Generic
Release 24.11 Estimate API deprecated fields – In Release 24.11, location, city, state, country, latitude, longitude, forecast start, forecast finish, and duration fields will be deprecated in the Estimate API and will no longer be available to provide data.
If you have integrations that read or write data to any of these fields, you will need to modify those integrations to instead use the Core Projects APIs for the corresponding InEight Platform project fields (Address1, City, RegionISOCode, CountryISOCode, Latitude, Longitude, ForecastStartDate, ForecastEndDate, ForecastDuration).
Master Data
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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