Payroll indicators

The payroll indicators master data, which includes allowances, employee premiums, and attendance types, provides a means that allow users of InEight Progress to give more information about an employee’s compensation for the workday.

By configuring payroll indicators in master data and establishing a baseline, an administrator at the project level can easily assign available payroll indicators to project employees, so they have all applicable payroll indicators assigned when they are added to daily plans.


With the applicable permissions, you can select the icon to add, edit, or delete master data payroll indicators. Permissions are configured in Roles and permissions > Master data libraries > Payroll indicators.

Permission Name Description Level
View payroll indicators Allows the user to view the payroll indicator master data. Base user
Add payroll indicators Allows the user to create and add payroll indicators to master data. Account Admin
Edit payroll indicators Allows the user to modify existing payroll indicators in master data. Account Admin
Delete payroll indicators Allows the user to delete existing payroll indicators in master data. Account Admin


Allowances are extra pay that is made to an employee to cover expenses or compensate for specific working conditions, such as a travel per diem or mileage.

Field Name Description
ID Unique identifier for the allowance.
Name Name of the allowance.
Notes Additional information about the allowance that shows in the daily plan for the project employee.
Billing code Billing code associated with the allowance.
Required When the value is set to True, the allowance is automatically assigned at the project level when a new project is created.
Auto Opt in When the value is set to True, the allowance is made available to all active project employees.

Employee Premiums

Premiums are payroll instructions used to alter the base wage of an employee for a specific task or reason, such as premiums for work at heights or shift differential.

Field Name Description
ID Unique identifier for the premium.
Name Name of the premium.
Notes Additional information about the premium that shows in the daily plan for the project employee.
Activity type Defines the activity as either labor or maintenance.
Billing code Billing code associated with the premium.
Required If the value is set to True, the premium is automatically assigned at the project level when a new project is created.

Attendance Types

Attendance types provide a method to identify employee hours during a normal workday, such as excused absence with pay, unexcused absence, and jury duty.

Field Name Description
ID Unique identifier for the attendance type.
Name Name of the attendance type.
Notes Additional information about the attendance type that shows in the daily plan for the project employee.
Billing code Billing code associated with the attendance type.
Required If the value is set to True, the attendance type is automatically assigned at the project level when a new project is created.
Allow hours If the value is set to True, the time entry field in InEight Progress is editable, and a value can be entered for the employee absence.
Sign in/Sign out required Indicates if sign out on the daily plan is expected for the employee.

Related topics:

Assigned payroll indicators

InEight Progress - Organization Settings