Project Settings

Project settings are where you enter and configure basic information to specify the workflow of your project to communicate with associated InEight applications. The applicable permissions are required to add or edit any settings in your project.

Step by Step — Project Settings

  1. From the Main menu, click All projects & organizations. The page opens to the Projects tab.

  2. Select a project from the list, and then click the project name link to open to the project home page.

  3. In the left navigation menu, click Settings. The project settings General page opens to the Global Options tab.

If projects are saved in the Main menu Favorites list, you can select a project, and then click Settings.

General Settings


Global Options

These options let you assign an equipment resource with a currency that is different than the project currency or alternate currencies, set integration behavior for cost items with InEight Control and an ERP, enable data sharing between InEight applications for AWP, and enable the project to be a template

Home Page

Create custom URL links to show on the Project home page.

Fiscal Calendar

Read-only view of the fiscal calendar settings that determine fiscal reporting time lines and periods for projects. These calendar settings are configured in Organization settings.

Fuel Types

List of fuel types for the project that can be assigned directly to resources. The list defines cost per UoM, currency type, UoM, and can be assigned a specific account code.

Custom Lists

Labels information in your project with additional predetermined information. You can select tags for the Cost Breakdown Structure, account codes, and pay items.

Menu Options

Contains a register for adding URL links to InEight applications to the Project home page left navigation menu.

Application Settings

Project settings for each application are accessed from the left navigation menu. Click the double arrows to expand the menu and show the application name. Select an application to view application-specific settings and any additional tabs. For more information about using these settings, refer to the topics for the specific InEight application.