Report 24.5 Release Notes

General release is available starting 03-JUN-2024.

  • New breaks option – In Daily Plan review, a new breaks option has been added to the Sections parameter that lets you show or hide any new breaks. The breaks option displays the Employee, Break number, and Break start and end times.
  • New Project Controls dashboard – A new dashboard is available that shows data from Control, this dashboard gives you access to analyze Cost, Manhours, Revenue, Changes and Cost Category data. This data is available in the Control and Project Controls dashboards and combines it all into one place with pre-defined project and portfolio views.

  • Daily Plan Timesheet – A Sign in/Sign out breaks option has been added to the Show parameter. This option lets you display sign in, sign out, break information for each employee

  • Issue log Client summary – An update has been made to the report to include parent issues when subordinate issues are selected to be brought into the report. Previously, the parent issues did not automatically populate the report.

  • Margin Summary Report – A Hide option has been added to the Comparison Snapshot parameter, which lets you to run the report for the current month without the comparison columns.

  • Commodity Curves – A new parameter has been added that lets you run the report including partially claimed quantities or quantities that have been completely claimed. This choice is also reflected in the Curves parameter options.

  • Quantity Claiming History – Step Quantity has been added as a column to this report.

  • Time and Extra Pay – A new Show Columns parameter was added to the Time and Extra Pay report that lets you select certain columns to show or hide in the report output. Allowance code and Allowance rate are now available to show as options for this parameter.

  • WBS Without Component Qty – A new parameter has been added to the WBSvsComponentCrossReference report titled Select WBS Without Component Qty, This brings attention to items missing components. ClosedRead more

    This parameter has two options:

    o All: Displays all WBS phase codes with or without the component quantity.

    o WBS phase codes without component qty: Displays WBS phase codes without component quantity.