Schedule Review View

Project View Description
Schedule Review Consolidate markups, conduct risk analysis, and update the CPM Schedule based on review

After the project contributors have finished providing their markups, the Review view is where all the feedback is consolidated. Schedulers can take the information and can begin to conduct risk analysis on the schedule, adjust durations, and associate risk events.

1 Gantt chart columns show the original start and finish dates but can have the uncertainty and events from the markups switched on and off to show the changes and impacts to the schedule.
2 This Gantt chart provides a visual layout using bars that adjust dependent upon the uncertainty and risk applied. In the right-most columns of the Gantt chart are the icons to access the risk histogram and tornado charts.
3 The Iris in this view shows details regarding the markups provided, giving a quick glance at the distribution data from multiple contributor markups. Additionally, the Inference Engine, Human Intelligence, and Risk Intelligence data are housed here to aid in the review process.

With the feedback provided, users can adjust the schedule to reflect the appropriate markups and/or conduct risk analysis with the uncertainty and various events provided.