User Setup and Roles

Schedule Roles

Schedule Creator

The Schedule Creator role is typically a planner or scheduler at an organization. The user can create schedules and has full rights to those schedules.

Schedule creators can:

  • Create / delete their own schedules

  • Use Knowledge Library and Smart Planning to inherit schedules and subnets

  • Use Productivity Rates

  • Assign contributors to schedules for markup

  • Manage markup process

  • Manage Review and consolidation process

  • Contribute to other schedules when assigned as a schedule contributor

Project Member

The Project Member role can be wide range of organizational roles. The organization roles can be Supervisors, Foremen, SME’s, External Subs, Customers, anyone that a project would like to contribute to the project. The Project Member role serves as a contributor to projects assigned to them by the administrator or project creator.


The Administrator role in Schedule can also be considered the Super User. This role has full rights to everything in the customer instance of Schedule. The typical person in a company that would have these permissions is a senior planner who is a super user or a Planning/Scheduling leadership role.

In addition to the permissions described for the Schedule Creator and Contributor Role the Administrator can do the following:

  • Manage the Knowledge Library (Schedules, Productivity Rates, Knowledge Tags, Risks)

  • Create, delete, and modify any schedule

  • Access to the system settings to add users to the instance

Knowledge Library Administrator

The Knowledge Library Administrator role is primarily responsible for creating and updating Knowledge Library tags, schedules, deliverable rates, and Register Items.

User Creation

Step by Step — Create a New User

  1. Click Suite Administration.

  2. Select User Management.

  3. Click the Add Users.

  4. In the Details tab, enter the user contact information.

  5. In the Roles tab, select the Role and Organization.

  6. Select Save.