Schedule Contributor Setup

Schedule Contributors

Schedule Contributors are users assigned to the schedule. The contributors and their roles on a schedule are managed from the Schedule Configuration register.

Contributor Role Types

Project Contributor role types pertain to the user and are specific to each project. Users can be assigned different contributor roles for each project.


The Markup role grants access to markup and review cycles on a schedule. Selecting this on will allow this user to be assigned to activities for markup.

Short Interval Planner

This role grants access to the Short Interval Planning (SIP) section of InEight Schedule. Users in this role can be assigned to activities for field execution planning. For details on how to use the SIP Functionality, see chapter 6.


The Scheduler role has all access and privileges of the Markup and Field Execution Planner roles. Additionally, schedulers can adjust items in the Planning view, such as details in the Iris, logic in the Gantt chart, and resources.

Step by Step — Selecting Project Contributors

  1. In Schedule Configuration, go to the Contributors tab.
    • All Project Contributors are listed in the register
  2. To add a new user, click Add User.
    • The Add User Window opens
  3. Schedule and Non-Schedule options are at the top of the window. Select Schedule to list all users currently registered in Schedule.

  4. Click on the user(s) to be added as project contributors.
  5. Switching to Non-Schedule changes the window to a registration form which lets guest user to be added to the project. White toggle means it's turned Off and when it's dark, it's turned On.

  6. Once selected, select On each role the new user should have.
  7. Click Add.