Markup Process Overview

Assigning Markup

Markup is assigned in the plan project view from the first level drop-down menu in a project. Select a project WBS summary level, then expand the delegation panel and click the Modify Assignments icon, where users can be assigned at various levels within the schedule to provide markup.

Click the blue ellipse icon and select users to assign to WBS elements.

Initiating the Review Cycle

Once contributors are assigned, the review cycle can be initiated by clicking on the Manage Review Cycle link in the top right of the delegation panel or go to the project settings view from the 1st level drop-down menu within a project and select Manage Review Cycle.

Assigned contributors and a review message can be validated here.  After the Start Review Cycle button is clicked, an invitation email is sent to contributors.

Marking up the Schedule

After the review cycle is in process, assigned contributors should log into the project, confirm they are in the Markup project view from the first level drop-down menu in a project, and provide feedback to sections of the schedule assigned to them.

Reviewing Markup

After Markup is complete, group consensus and individual responses can be assessed from the Review project view from the first level drop-down menu in a project.  Consensus is indicated by the signal bars in the tabular WBS view, and individual responses can be viewed by selecting a WBS element and looking in the Duration Uncertainty slide-out panel to the left.

After a review is complete, the cycle can be ended by returning to the Manage Review Cycle page, and clicking End Review Cycle.