Schedule 23.8 Release Notes

  • IRIS change activity type - You can now select an Activity Type in the plan schedule and change it from one type to another in fewer steps. A new drop-down menu lets you more easily change an activity type without having to leave the page. ClosedRead more

    Prior to this new enhancement you could only change the activity type by navigating to the Actions menu, and you had to first create the activity type, then delete the original. You can now access the Activity Type by selecting an activity from the new Activity Type drop-down menu.

    For more information, see Create Activities.

  • SIP histogram – The SIP histogram now displays resources with zero units assigned. ClosedRead more

    Previously if the resource had zero units it would be suppressed from the SIP histogram. Now, those resources are shown in Schedule > SIP.

    For more information, see SIP General Navigation.