Import claiming

Importing lets you claim against scope items in bulk. All imported claiming that passes validations is added to the Scope items page. The imported claims that fail validations are added to the Error resolution page. All imports are shown in Audit log > Import history.


  • You must have the permission Import claiming.

  • You can import all claiming based on either quantity or percentage. See the steps below for more information.


To import claiming:

  1. On the Scope items page, click the Export icon, and then select Export claiming. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is downloaded.

  2. Fill in values in either the Claim qty % or Claim qty columns in the spreadsheet, and then save it.

  3. On the Scope items page, click the Import icon, and then select Import claiming.

  4. Click Browse, and then select the saved spreadsheet.

  5. Select either Claim by quantity to import only values in the Claim qty column or Claim by percentage to import only values in the Claim qty % column.

  6. Click Import. The import status is shown, and then the Import history page opens. If there are any errors, they are shown in the table.

  7. If there are issues, click Completed with issues in the Status column to open Claiming error resolution, and then resolve issues before saving.

Related links

You can also claim on scope items manually using the interface. For more information, see Claim on a scope item.