Template Integration

Template integration lets you make tasks available for use with InEight Change. For example, you might need to complete a task associated with a change issue.

Template integration works only with InEight Change tasks.

The functionality to add an integration is in the template Properties tab. To add a template integration to a template, you must have a level 3 admin role, and the template must have already been published. If you do not have a level 3 admin role, you can see the Add template integration button, but you cannot use it.

The following steps explain how to add an integration to a template.

Step by Step — Add a template integration

  1. On the Properties tab of the task builder, under Options, click Add template integration. The Add template integration dialog box opens.

  2. Fill out the required fields:

    • Integration title

    • Category association - One category associated with this integration. For more information about categories, see Categories.

    • Associated products - Text-only field that indicates which InEight application this integration is for.

    • Organization association - Organizations and projects that this integration is associated with. For more information about organization association, see Template Properties - Organization Association.

    • You can also optionally fill out the Description field.

  3. Click Save.

Manage template integrations

There are several ways to view existing integrations for a single template and for all your organization's templates

After at least one integration has been added for a template, the number of integrations is shown to the right of the Add template integration button. To view the current template's integrations, click the number next to the button. The Template integrations dialog box shows all integrations for the current template.

To view or edit all existing integrations for your organization, click the Actions button in the upper left of the Properties tab, and then select Manage template integrations in the drop-down menu. The Template integrations page opens. On this page, you can edit or delete integrations.

You can also access the Template integrations page from the Product Settings page. For more information about product settings, see Product Settings.