Template Properties

On the appropriate Form builder or Task builder page, the Properties tab contains the basic information entered when the form was created (on the Create a form or Create a task dialog box). This includes a header section containing the following:

  • Form or Task ID (this is automatically assigned when the form or task is created)
  • Version
  • Status
  • Module
  • Creation date
  • Creation time
  • Created by

The Properties tab also includes the following fields, which you can edit at any time with the right permissions:

  • Form or Task name
  • Description
  • Category association with + Future Children functionality
  • Organization association
  • Options

Task and Form Builder Options

In Form builder, both the Event title and Event date fields have the option of being System defined or User defined. Both can be used strategically to personalize your form.

Form Builder: Event Options
  System Default User Defined

Event title

The event title defaults to the "name of the form_event ID" and is presented on the event list as the event title.

This provides a mandatory text question on the form where the user can provide a title that is presented on the events list as the event title.

Event date

The event date defaults to the date the form was started.

This provides a mandatory date question on the form where the user can provide a date that is presented on the events list as the event date.

In Task builder, both Task title and Due date can be used strategically to personalize your task.

Task Builder: Task and Due Date Options
  System Default User Defined
Task title The task title defaults to the "name of the task_task ID" and is presented on the task list as the task title. This provides a mandatory text question on the template where the user can provide a title that is presented on the task list as the task title.
Due date Not applicable This provides a mandatory date question on the template where the user can provide a date that is presented on the task list as the due date.

Expiration Date

Notice that when the Add expiration date check box is selected, the Add renewal date option is shown.

Selecting Add expiration date makes this a mandatory field on the form. If selected, the Add renewal date also provides a mandatory question on the form.

Form Builder: Date Options


Add expiration date

This selection provides a mandatory date of expiration question on the form. This question and the value show on the event list as well after the form has been filled out.

Add renewal date

This selection provides a mandatory date of renewal question on the form. This question and the value show on the event list as well after the form has been filled out.

After the form is published, only certain fields in the properties may be changed without putting the form into a draft status.

Template Availability

To hide a template from being started as a stand-alone form or task, turn on the Available through form button only? toggle. When hidden, these templates can be used only through association with the Form Button.

Integration Tag

You can add an integration tag to a template to include the form in reporting. Specific questions in that form with the same integration tag are then reported on. This applies only to standard reports.

Template Integration

Template integration is helpful when you need to use a task in InEight Change. For more information about template integration, see Template Integration.

Enable Print Functionality

You can enable a template to be printable from the Events or Tasks page, and from the event or task detail page.

Pay special attention when enabling the print feature. This feature does not contain any permissions associated with the event or task. If you have access to the work item and can print it, you can print all questions and answers in the work item.

To enable a template to be printable, turn on Enable print functionality, and then select which report to run. Currently, only the Compliance General Forms Integration is available.

Template Language Settings

Template language settings let you import translations for each question and section in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. For more information about how to import translations, see Template Translation.

Organization Association

On the Properties tab, selecting a project is as simple as selecting the check box next to the project name.

In any parent level, you can click the Select all or Deselect all option, if appropriate.

Projects not available to you are grayed out.

Clicking the + Future Children button in a parent organization allows you to associate templates and users with that parent organization and all its children with just one click. The association can also persist through any new children (projects) that get associated after the original selection, so you do not have to manually add each project.

After the + Future Children button is selected, it changes color.

Select Only the Parent Organization

When you select a parent organization, only that organization is selected. If the parent organization has child suborganizations or projects, those children are not automatically selected when you select their parent. This change gives you the flexibility to fine-tune which children to associate.

Select or Deselect All Child Organizations or Projects

The Select all and Deselect all buttons are available for each parent organization with children. When you use these buttons, only the children are selected or deselected. The parent organization is not affected.

When you select all, only existing children are selected. New projects are not automatically selected unless you use the + Future Children option. See the next section for more information.

Persistently Associate Future Children

The + Future Children button is available for each parent organization. If you enable this option, all new children of that parent are automatically selected. This option prevents having to constantly select each new project when you create one.

The + Future Children option works independently of the Select all option. For example, if you want to select all future new projects, but not necessarily all existing ones, you could select a few existing projects, or none, and still enable + Future Children.

Manage Custom IDs

Custom IDs let you sort and filter forms and tasks for better management of your events and tasks. You can also assign multiple custom IDs to one template and add or remove properties for existing custom IDs.

Once a custom ID is configured on a template, it will be associated with any new forms or tasks that are created. Custom IDs do not need a published template to start appearing on events or tasks. However, please note that custom IDs are not applied to scheduled events or tasks. Once a scheduled event or task is performed and saved, the next available custom ID will be used for that event or task.

The following Step by Step shows you how to create a custom ID.

Step by Step — Add a Custom ID

  1. Click Actions > Manage custom IDs in the upper-left of the Form or Task builder's Properties tab.

    • The Manage custom IDs dialog box opens

  2. Click the Add icon to open the Add custom ID wizard.

  3. Enter values in the Prefix, Starting number, and Suffix fields, and then click Next.

    You must fill out at least one of the fields, but you are not required to fill out all of them.

    Each of the fields can be up to 10 characters long. Prefix and Suffix are alphanumeric, and Starting number is only numeric.

  4. Select the organizations and projects you want the custom ID associated with.

  5. Optionally, select Apply this custom ID to each selected project.

    When this option is selected, the custom ID number increases independently for each project. For example, if the custom ID starts at CUS-200-ID and this option is selected, when you perform the form or task twice in Org/Project 1, the ID increases from CUS-200-ID to CUS-201-ID. If you then perform the same form or task twice in Org/Project 2, the ID also increases from CUS-200-ID to CUS-201-ID independently from the ID numbering in Org/Project 1.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the categories you want the custom ID associated with.

  8. Click Save & close.

    You can also click Save & add new to immediately add another custom ID.