PO Creation

Purchase Orders are used to send the contract line items and financial data to your ERP system. This creates a platform for you to acknowledge the receipt of goods and services, as well as track quantities and pricing so vendor payments can be processed.

The following items are required for the Create Purchase Order button to become available:

  • The contract must be approved by a project administrator if indicated within the workflow assignments.
  • All required supporting documents must be uploaded and approved by the compliance team. Note: This includes a copy of the executed contract.
  • If the contract is in the approval process, the purchase order cannot be created until approval is complete.

Step by Step — Create a Purchase Order

  1. From the Contract > Contracts page, open the Structural Steel contract you have been working in.
  2. Click Save.

    • The Create Purchase Order button will appear on the top right corner of the screen
  3. Click on the Create purchase order button at the top right of the screen.

    • A toaster message appears notifying you of the creation of a purchase order
  4. Return to the top navigation and select the Sync Log tab.

    • This is where you would be able to see if your sync was successful.  If Success appears in the field, then you know it got to your ERP system. If you have a proxy ERP environment, the success message is autogenerated.

    • If there is a failure message, click on the Log token ID link to see the errors. This information can be helpful for Support to resolve the issue

    Note that after a PO is created you cannot change the vendor or the invoice plan selection on the Header tab. On the Line Items tab, you cannot change the line item type, the product category, or the account distribution selection.  All other fields are still editable, and the PO can be updated.

    Validations around supporting documents or workflow settings are still applicable.