Correct document sent to DocuSign
Sometimes you find you must make corrections, such as changing signees or adding or changing documents, after the envelope has been sent to DocuSign. Often, going through the eSignature provider to make a correction results in voiding the envelope and incurring the charge of creating a new one. You can avoid the expense of additional envelopes by initiating corrections to the envelope in Contract.
Step by Step — Edit a sent document
Make corrections to an envelope after it has been sent to DocuSign.
When a supporting document has a DocuSign status of Created, Completed, or Signed, you can no longer edit the file link. When the status is Sent, you can edit the document in the original eSign envelope without incurring the expense of additional envelopes.You must have the Correct eSignature permission to correct DocuSign documents.
On the Supporting documents register, hover over the ellipsis in the DocuSign status column for a sent document. The DocuSign Status dialog box is shown.
Click the Correct button. DocuSign opens with the view of the original envelope.
Make the corrections in the DocuSign envelope. Refer to DocuSign documentation for more information about envelopes.