Payment Progress

Payment progress shows you the actual invoice payments once they are processed in your ERP systemor by your Accounts Payable department. As they are processed, ERP software syncs the information back to InEight Contract, populating it in the Payment progress tab on your contract record for your review. In a proxy ERP environment, you can update the Payment progress tab manually if the edit progress payment permission is assigned to your role.

Overview – Payment Progress Register
  Field/Section Function


Invoice information

Shows the invoice information, including, the invoice total specified by the vendor, the invoice tax amount from the ERP system or the proxy ERP, the date of the invoice from the vendor, and the number of days the invoice has been opened before payment.

2 Payment form ID The payment form ID associated with the payment.
3 Record ID The record ID associated with the payment.
4 Record status The status of the record associated with the payment
5 Posting date The date the payment was posted.


Paid amount

The amount of the invoice paid by Accounts Payable. If you have a proxy ERP, you can update this field manually.



What method was used for invoice payment. If you have a proxy ERP, you can update this field manually.


Check number/ACH

The check or ACH number used for payment. If you have a proxy ERP, you can update this field manually.


Date cashed

The date the check or payment was cashed. If you have a proxy ERP, you can update this field manually.



The amount the invoice was withheld for retainage.   


Retention released

How much of retention was released. If you have a proxy ERP, you can update this field manually.

12 Progress estimate number The estimate number from InEight Progress
13 Billing period The billing period associated with the payment.
14 Document year The year the payment took place. If you have a proxy ERP, the document year is based on the Estimated posting date in the Payment form Invoices Attachment register and is not updated when you update the value in the Posting Date column. You can manually update the document year as needed.
15 Export Lets you download a version of the Payment progress grid in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
16 Notes Lets you view and add notes about the payment. The Notes panel has tabs for contract notes, supporting document notes, and administrative notes. The Administrative notes tab is updated when there is a change to the payment form or the payment progress made by an administrator with Edit payment progress permission.
17 Totals The total amounts of the Invoice totals and Paid amounts columns.

If you have the permission EditPaymentProgress, you can edit the following fields from the Payment progress register to keep Contract in sync with an ERP system:

  • Record ID

  • Record status

  • Paid amount

  • Method

  • Check number/ACH

  • Date cashed

  • Retention released

Changes made on the Payment progress tab affect the payment progress tab only. They do not affect the Payment forms tab.

Pay when Paid

In some cases, the invoices may be posted, but the check or ACH does not go to the vendor right away because the payment terms may say “pay when paid”. This means even though the invoice is processed, the money is not sent to the vendor until the project is paid from the client/owner. Additionally, one payment may reflect several invoices; this tab is a way to tie those together.