Contract 24.5 Release Notes

General release is available starting 03-JUN-2024.

Updated 21-JUN-2024

  • Payment claims schedule of value % Complete to date – Contract now supports % Complete claiming in Payment Claims. The % Complete to date columns have been added to the Payment claims Schedule of values register. Contract calculates the claimed value and quantity when a user enters the percent complete. ClosedRead more

    The % Complete to Date columns have been added to the Vendor Submission and Certification sections. You can edit the two new columns from the register. Edits to the Quantity and Value columns cause the % Complete to date column to recalculate.

    Columns were also added to the import template for the payment claims schedule of values. The option to calculate inputs based on quantity, value, or percent complete to date were also added to the import data from template dialog box.

    The % Complete field is updated if any quantity or value changes are made to the SOV via the Contract Schedule of Values tab or as part of a Vendor Change order. Period Quantity and Value are used as the source of truth if changes occur.

    The calculation for the Vendor submission % Complete to date is as follows:

    ( (Vendor submission value ÷ Scheduled value) + (Previous certification value ÷ Scheduled value) ) × 100

    The calculation for the Certification % Complete to date is as follows:

    ( (Previous certification value + Certification value) ÷ Scheduled value) × 100

    A pending uncertified claim warning has been added to the Schedule of values page for the payment claim because totals calculations change when the pending payment claims are certified. The icon shows so that you can be aware that totals for the schedule of values item will change.

  • Estimated payment posting date – The Estimated posting date column has been added to the Payment form Invoice attachments register. When you use a proxy ERP, you can use this column to define your own posting date instead of using the submitted date. If you are relying on the integration with InEight Control for actuals, using the estimated posting date with your proxy ERP can prevent incorrect actuals in Control. ClosedRead more

    You must have permission edit payment form to update the Estimated posting date column.

    When you use an ERP system, the ERP system provides the posting date regardless of the value of this field.

    The Document year in the Payment progress tab is driven from the estimated posting date for proxy ERP customers. It is not automatically updated when you update the Posting date value. You can manually update the Document year as needed.

    For information about the estimated posting date, see Payment Forms.

  • Contract register Current value and Schedule value hyperlinks – Values in the Current value column of the Contract register are now links to the Line items tab. Values in the Schedule value column are now links to the Schedule of values tab. The links let you quickly see line item or schedule item details. For more information about line items, see Line Items Tab. For more information about the Schedule of values, see Schedule of Values Tab.

  • DocuSign Advanced Options – Contract now supports DocuSign Advanced options for branding, reminders, expiration, and comments. The advanced options show in DocuSign when you are in the Sender view. ClosedRead more

    From the Sender view in DocuSign, you can now go to the advanced options (Actions > Advanced Options) to access options for branding, reminders, expiration, and comments. You can see the advanced options based on your organization's DocuSign settings.

    • Branding options let you select a logo and brand colors, that were set up by the DocuSign administrator, for the envelope.

    • Reminders options let you specify whether DocuSign sends reminders to signees, when to start sending them, and how often to send them.

    • Expiration options let you set the number of days until the envelope expires and how often to send alerts. After the envelope is expired, recipients can no longer view or sign the documents in the envelope.

    • Comments options let you allow senders and recipients to enter comments on documents in the envelope.

    Options for recipient privileges, are also available. Refer to your DocuSign documentation for more information about advanced options.

    For more information about InEight DocuSign configuration, see Project Settings. For information about sending a document to DocuSign, see Send contract documents for eSignature via DocuSign.

  • Payment forms and VCO nonzero remaining to allocate values – You can now start workflow, submit, publish, or execute a payment form or VCO when the remaining to allocate value is within +/- 0.0099 to account for differences in decimal precision. Previously, the value had to be zero. For more information about the Remaining to allocate field in a payment form, see Payment Forms. For information about the Remaining amount to to allocate field in a VCO, see Vendor Change Orders.

  • Contract schedule of values date validation – An error icon now shows when you claim a contract schedule item and the item's posting date is not within the Valid from and Valid through dates. ClosedRead more

    You cannot claim the schedule items if they are not within the valid from and valid through dates. If there are no valid from and valid through dates, all posting dates are acceptable. For more information about claiming schedule items, see Claim schedule items from Contract.

  • Payment claim register Requested value and Certified value columns and retention columns – Columns for the requested value and the certified value have been renamed to be consistent with other column names. The Retention column has been split into the Requested retention and Certified retention. ClosedRead more

    The Payment claim value column has been renamed to Requested value. This column is the vendor submission from the payment claim. The Amount certified column has been renamed Certified value.

    The Requested retention is the retention from the vendor submission. The Certified retention column is the retention from certified claims.

  • All invoices selected by default when converting a payment claim to a payment form – When you convert a certified payment claim that has invoices associated to it, all invoices are now automatically selected in the Convert to Payment Form wizard to reduce problems after conversion. For more information about converting a payment claim into a payment form, see Convert to a payment form.

  • Adding a schedule item with a negative quantity – Schedule of value quantities must now be greater than zero. A negative unit price can be used to add an item with negative value. This change was made to be consistent with line item functionality. For information about adding schedule items, see Schedule of Values Tab.

  • Payment form schedule of values current total calculation – The current total in the payment form schedule of value is now calculated as the sum of the values of the This submission and the Previous submission columns. Previously, pending submission values were included. This calculation is now consistent with line item calculations. For more information about the Payment form schedule of values, see Payment Forms.

  • Quantity and unit price in Add line item dialog box for payment forms and VCOs – The Quantity and Unit price columns have been added to the Add line item dialog box for payment forms and VCOs, so you can see more details when selecting line items.

  • Schedule of values collection table tag updates – The <<Payform SoV: Vendor claimed to date>> tag was added to the Payment form Schedule of Values collection table. New collection tags have been added for fields in the VCO schedule of values to replace the tags from the previous releases. ClosedRead more

    The value from the new vendor claimed to date tag is the sum of the vendor submission value claimed against the current SOV item in all certified claims.

    The following new VCO tags have been added:

    <<VCO SoV: Current schedule line value component quantity>>

    <<VCO SoV: Change order adjustments quantity>>

    <<VCO SoV: Change order adjustments unit price>>

    <<VCO SoV: Change order adjustments value>>

    <<VCO SoV: Total revised value quantity>>

    <<VCO SoV: Total revised value unit price>>

    <<VCO SoV: Total revised value value>>

    For more information, refer to the Collection table tags list in Settings > Contract > Contract Templates > Template types.

  • Remove canceled workflows from Action items tab – Contract now removes workflows that are not completed in 90 days and have been canceled from the Action items tab. For more information about bid package workflow, see Workflow Assignments tab. For information about contract workflow, see Workflow Assignments .

  • Removal of Harmonized schedule fields – All fields relating to Harmonized schedule have been removed from Contract in this release.