Contract 24.7 Release Notes

General release is available starting 05-AUG-2024.

Updated 12-AUG-2024

  • Line items tab improved performance and new look – The contract Line items tab now has improved loading times and performance. The Line items tab has also been updated to color coordinate the sections with the drill-down viewsets. ClosedRead more

    The toggle for the line item single grid view has been added to the top of the Line items page. This toggle lets you revert to the previous version of the line items view while transitioning to the new page. The toggle defaults to On. When this toggle is set to On, the new grid and performance benefits are enabled. When the toggle is set to Off, the previous Line items grid is used. The toggle will be removed in a future release after full regression of the new page.

    For information about the Line items tab, see Line items column management.

  • Create a contract claim from a certified payment claim – You can now quickly convert a certified payment claim into a contract claim from the Payment claim Schedule of values page. Converting the contract claim from the payment claim lets a single entry of values apply across all locations. This option is only available after a claim has been certified. ClosedRead more

    The Convert to contract claim option has been added to the options for Convert schedule of values icon on the payment claim Schedule of values page.

    When you select the Convert to contract claim option, the Update contract claim for below schedule of value items dialog box opens where you can select the schedule of values to claim.


    Certified values from this payment claim automatically fill the Claimed quantity and Claimed values fields. After you click Claim, the contract claim values on the main schedule of values page are updated with the claim information. These values also drive progress in InEight Control if using the Update % complete setting in Contract.

    For more information about creating a contract claim from a payment claim, see Schedule of values.

  • Generated document name on Supporting documents register – When you generate a document from a template, and the Save in supporting documents toggle in the Generate contract wizard is set to Yes, the value in the Name of document file now shows in the Title column of the Supporting documents tab. Previously, the name of the template showed in the column. ClosedRead more

    Now, if you enter a document name, the title and the name of the file or link are the same. If you do not enter a document name, Contract uses the template name. For more information about generating supporting documents, see Contract Writer.

  • New template tags – New tags were added for the new fields in the Vendor details of the Master data libraries. Tags were also added for new fields added in recent releases. ClosedRead more

    The following tags have been added for vendor master data:

    <<Vendor remit to: Country/Region>>

    <<Vendor remit to: Address 1>>

    <<Vendor remit to: Address 2>>

    <<Vendor remit to: City>>

    <<Vendor remit to: State>>

    <<Vendor remit to: Postal code>>

    <<Vendor remit to: Phone>>

    <<Vendor remit to: Fax number>>

    The following tags were added for new fields:

    Contract summary: <<Remaining to be paid>>

    Contract Schedule of values: <<Remaining to be claimed>>

    Payment claim: <<Remaining to be certified>>

    Payment claim: <<Payment claim requested retention>>

    Payment claim: <<Payment claim certified retention>>

    Payment claim: <<Payment claim certified to-date gross>>

    For more information, refer to the tags list in Settings > Contract > Contract Templates > Template types.

  • Increased decimal places in the organization level configuration settings – Percentage and amount fields in the organization-level Contract type configuration setup, Organization master agreement type configuration setup, and Tax settings now allow up to five decimal places to be compatible with decimal precision settings. ClosedRead more

    The following fields in the Contract type configuration fields have been updated to accept up to five decimal places:

    • Maximum contract overage allowed without a change order

    • Maximum over payment allowed per line item

    In the Master agreement type configuration setup, the Maximum contract overage allowed without a change order field has been updated to accept up to five decimal places. The Default % column in the Tax settings has been updated to accept five decimal places. For more informaiton about Contract type configuration, see Contract type configuration setup.

  • Payment claims schedule of values register summary progress – The Summary progress section has been added to the Payment claims Schedule of values register, so you can track the contract and progress claims on existing Schedule of values items. ClosedRead more

    The Summary progress section includes the Quantity claimed and Value claimed columns. The Quantity claimed is the contract quantity claimed plus the component progress quantity claimed. The Value claimed is the contract value claimed plus the component progress value claimed. When you add a schedule of values from the Payment claims Schedule of values page, these fields are zero.

    For more information, see Schedule of values.

  • DocuSign settings moved to Configurations – The DocuSign settings have been moved from the Contract templates to the project Configuration settings (project > Settings > Change > Configurations > eSign setup). You no longer need to have the Edit templates permission to set up or edit the eSign settings. Now, only the Edit contracts settings permission is needed to edit the eSign settings. For more information about eSign settings, see eSign setup.

  • Organization-level Contracts settings moved to Configurations – The Accrual/Receipts settings, Diversity participation, and Supporting documents configurations are now located in the Organization > Configurations list to improve performance. Previously, they were tabs under the Organization > Contracts settings. For more information, see Accrual/Receipt settings, Diversity participation, and Supporting documents.

  • New totals on Schedule of values register – The Vendor value, Certified value, and Certified delta totals have been added to the Totals row in the Payment claims section. ClosedRead more

    The Pending value total also has been added to the Payment forms section.

    For more information about the Schedule of values register, see Schedule of Values Tab.

  • Vendor change order log Clear all filters – The Clear all filters button has been added to the Vendor change order log. For information about the Vendor change order log, see Vendor Change Orders.