Frequently Asked Questions

If the actual quantity isn't consolidating to the parent item, it's likely because there is some missing cost or hours on the items nested below it. Depending on the project settings, the parent ‘% complete’ and ‘Actual qty (to date)’ is a measure of the total earned budget cost or hours, or current estimate cost or hours, from the items below it. For example, if half the budget is earned in that subsection, then the parent will display 50% complete.

Set the desired values in the CBS for CE total cost, CE total MHrs, and Forecast (T/O) qty. Within a Contract adjustment using the Start with Cost items option or a Non-associated budget move, click the Calculate icon to auto-populate the adjusted cost, man-hours, and/or quantities with values to match the current estimate. Within a Contract adjustment using the Start with Pay items option or an Associated budget move, click on the Advanced options button to do the same.

The cost item's cost source must be set to Detail to edit the resource attributes and values on a cost item.

Does the overall adjusted cost = 0? If not, you cannot submit. Do you have the permission to approve change orders? If not, someone else on your project with the Approve change orders permission will need to approve.

Was the contract adjustment initiated from Change? If so, the total adjusted price in the Pay items step must equal the executed price on the change order from Change.
See Also:

Check the Qty driver, is it set to Superior CI? And then did someone change the parent qty? This updates the children with a Qty driver of Superior CI.

Check the Qty driver, is it set to Superior CI? And then did someone change the parent qty? This updates the children with a Qty driver of Superior CI.

Was it changed through Excel import? Excel import changes do not create an entry in the audit log.
See Also:

People assigned to either the organization or any project under that org will receive the view.

Check that your organization isn’t within “plus days”, and if it is, then make sure you are calculating excluding any actuals with a posting date after the month end date.