Control 23.10 Release Notes

  • New Forecast (T/O) – CB qty delta column – The new Forecast (T/O) – CB qty delta column in the CBS shows you the difference between the forecast take-off quantity and the current budget total quantity. ClosedRead more

    This new column lets you quickly filter on non-zero CBS records for awareness to update the Forecast T/O Quantity or the CB Total Quantity.

    For more information, see Progress Measurement Overview.

  • Include new unapproved contract line items in Contract forecast method – When creating a new line item in a Contract vendor change order, the line item price is now included in the associated cost item's Contract forecast method. ClosedRead more

    After a new line item is saved, a batch process is initiated in the background that sends the line item’s net price over to Control.

    The net price from Contract shows in Control’s forecast total cost column.

    Previously, the net price would only show in Control’s forecast total cost method when you selected the Add existing line item menu option from a VCO. The forecast total cost only included executed line items plus any pending VCO amounts for the existing line item.

    For more information, see Forecast Methods.

  • Decimal precision settings for showing zero decimal places – Numeric fields can now be configured to omit decimals for currency, unit cost, percentages, cost summary and quantities. ClosedRead more

    For more information, see Project Settings.

  • New Cost item Excel import predictive hierarchy – New cost items created via the Cost item Excel import process now automatically adjusts the CBS structure to match your import as needed. ClosedRead more

    This process is applicable for new cost items only.

    The cost item Excel import process can now predict the movements in the current hierarchy and the hierarchy that is being added via the Excel import.

    For example, the following CBS positions already exist in the CBS.

    You have three cost items that you want to import. Two of them already exist in the CBS, and one of them is new.

    The import process imports Excel CBS positions 1 and 1.1, and places 2.1.2 at the bottom of the hierarchy. Previously, it wasn’t possible to import CBS item 2.1.2 because it is not a valid CBS position.

    For more information, see Cost Item Excel Import