Edit a scope item


You can edit a scope item manually in the Scope items page.

The Edit scope item slide-out panel contains the following sections:

  • Summary – Basic details of the scope item, including:

    • ID – This field is automatically populated.

    • Description - Must be unique.

    • Claiming scheme – Cannot be edited after claiming has been made.

    • Scope item qty and UoM – If you edit the quantity after claiming has been made, you must enter a reason in the Update scope item qty dialog box. See Update scope item quantity for more information. If an account code set in enabled for the project, the UoM must match the UoM of the resource type’s associated account code in the Resources tab, which is automatically populated after you select a claiming scheme. Scope item UoM must also match WBS phase code UoM to claim progress.

    • Lead Discipline – This field is automatically populated based on the claiming scheme.

    • OB qty – This field is editable only if the budget is unlocked. If you edit the scope item qty, you must enter a reason to explain the difference. See Update scope item quantity for more information.

    • Deliverable qty and UoM – The quantities and units of the design deliverables, such as sheets.

    • Construction work area, Work classification, and Deliverable package – You can use these fields to group your scope of work.

    • Engineering work package – This field can be used to group your scope of work separately from deliverable packages. For example, you might group multiple deliverable packages under one engineering work package.

  • Resources – Shows the resources assigned to the selected claiming scheme so you can know what percentage of scope needs to be done by each resource. See Scope item resources for more information.

  • User defined – These are free-form text fields with a maximum of 250 characters each.

  • Dates - Actual start dates are an aggregated value based on the claim date that you specified when beginning claiming. The Actual start date is based on the project setting for Dates:

    • Scope item - The system captures the first claim date made on the scope item in the Actual start field.

    • Scope item / Milestone - The system captures the first claim date made on each milestone on a claiming scheme in the Actual start field.

    • Scope item / ScheduleGroup - The system captures the first claim date made on each schedule group on a claiming scheme in the Actual start field.

Actual start dates are an aggregated value based on the claim date that you specified when beginning claiming.

The Actual start date is based on the project setting for dates:

  • If the Dates project setting is set to Scope item, the system captures the first claim date made on the scope item in the Actual start field.

  • If the Dates project setting is set to Scope item / Milestone, the system captures the first claim date made on each milestone on a claiming scheme in the Actual start field.

  • If the Dates project setting is set to Scope item / ScheduleGroup, the system captures the first claim date made on each schedule group on a claiming scheme in the Actual start field.


You must have the permission Edit scope items.


To edit a scope item:

  1. Select the check box to the left of one scope item and then click the Edit scope item icon in the upper left. The Edit scope item slide-out panel opens.

  2. Edit the fields you want to update.

  3. Click Save or Save and Close.

Related links

For more information about the Resource section, see Scope item resources.

After a scope item is added with a WBS phase code assigned to all assigned resource types, you can claim on it. For more information, see Claim on a scope item.