Add a quantity item


You can add a quantity item manually in the Quantity items page.

The Add quantity item slide-out panel contains the Details and Quantities tabs.

On the Details tab, the fields required to make a quantity item depend on how your project is set up. Whether each field is required or must have a unique value is set in the Fields and component integration subtab of Quantity forecasting project settings.

When a quantity item is added, and the quantity item is associated to a cost item, the quantity is sent to InEight Control. Any quantity where the UoM does not align between a cost item and a quantity item is not sent to Control.

On the Quantities tab, you can set the Quantity driver for the quantity item. The quantity driver designates which design stage drives the quantity item’s forecast (TO) qty. When you select a stage as the quantity driver, the forecast (TO) qty is automatically updated with the quantity maintained on that stage. Design stages are used to group and collect quantities as the design changes. Design stages are created at the organization level and added at the project level.

You are not required to set the quantity driver when adding the quantity item, and can change it later. The quantity driver is set to CB qty by default. For more information, see Quantity driver.


You must have the permission Add quantity items.


To add a quantity item:

  1. Click the Add quantity item button in the upper left. The Add quantity item slide-out panel opens.

  2. Fill in any required fields, as indicated by an asterisk.

  3. Click Add.