Estimate in the cloud refers to InEight's hosted estimating solution on the InEight Cloud Platform.

Estimate on-premise refers to InEight's estimating solution deployed in a customer's local environment.

Estimate IN THE CLOUD 24.11

General release is available starting 09-DEC-2024.

VIDEO | 24.11 Release Overview

Quantity takeoff

  • New Quantity Takeoff group – The Quantity Takeoff group has been added to the Estimate tab to facilitate a seamless process of importing quantity take-off data. In Quantity Takeoff, you can import and manage the data using the options Quantity Item Sources, Quantity Item, and Quantity Item Employments. ClosedRead more

    Quantity Item Sources

    In the Quantity Item Sources Register, click the quantity item source application to open the source mapping dialog box, where you can select the source file.

    On the Map Columns tab, you can configure column mappings to align with Estimate to import take-off data.

    Quantity Items

    In the Quantity Items Register, you can view the list of quantity items imported from your source file that you can apply to cost items.

    Quantity Item Register Columns

    The Quantity Item Register columns provide quantity item details brought over from the source application take-off data, including crucial information to assure that your estimate is accurate and up-to-date.

    Quantity Items tab

    In the cost item record , a new Quantity Items tab is available to show the user the individual measurements that may be contributing to the Cost Item Quantity.

    You can use filters to find items that you want to apply to a cost item. To set a filter, click the Include Quantity Items button, and then set up your filters.

    A new Quantity Driver of Takeoff and a new Takeoff Driver field let the quantity items you apply to a cost item drive the cost item quantity. By default, Measurement is used in the Takeoff Driver field for the takeoff quantity. You can select any other quantity column with the Takeoff Driver to drive the cost item quantity, but the unit of measure type of that quantity column must align with the cost item unit of measure.

    Both fields must be set for quantities to roll up from the quantity items to the cost item quantity.

    You can also view the aggregate total of a cost item quantity to give you the confidence that you are carrying over the correct total.

    The Bid Wizard’s current functionality can be used to import additional cost items from another job folder into your estimate to automatically employ the same filter configuration used in your source job. These pre-defined cost items can be scaled and can include the subordinate items and their appropriate ratios.

    Quantity Item Employments

    The Quantity Item Employments Register shows several columns that include the list of quantity items and the CBS position code location of the quantity item’s employment. The columns provide details from the source job take-off data, which is similar to the Quantity Item Register columns.

    You can view the cost and man-hours per individual mark up item which lets you further break down your estimate by phase, area, or other data you want to capture as part of performing the quantity takeoff. For more information, see the new Quantity Takeoff topic.

Bluebeam integration

  • Bluebeam integration in Quantity Takeoff – You can now integrate Bluebeam takeoff data with Estimate. The integration lets you import the take-off data directly into your estimate easily and efficiently. ClosedRead more

    Quantity Takeoff

    After quantifying scope items in Bluebeam, you can use the Quantity Item Sources, Quantity Item, and the Quantity Item Employments registers in the Estimate Quantity Takeoff group to manage the data.

    The Bluebeam integration and the ability to configure cost item filters in Estimate gives you the ability to configure your estimate in a quick and efficient way. Previously, importing take-off data from Bluebeam required an extensive manual process.

    The take-off data in both Bluebeam and Estimate was not readily available to reference in the estimating process. Now, data in the Quantity Takeoff section is saved and is available as the source of the scope of work during the estimate process of the project.

    Quantity Item Sources

    In the Quantity Item Register , you can select Bluebeam as your source, and then select your Bluebeam source file. On the Map Columns tab, you can configure column mappings to align Bluebeam with Estimate to import take-off data.

    Quantity Items

    The Quantity Items Register shows you the list of quantity items imported from the Bluebeam source file that you can apply to cost items.

    Quantity Item Register Columns

    The Quantity Item Register columns provide quantity item details brought over from Bluebeam’s take-off data, including crucial information to assure that your estimate is accurate and up-to-date. Information brought over includes Page Label, Data Source, Reference Number, Quantity Item Author, Last Updated, Last Updated By.

    Quantity Items tab

    You can filter the items you want to apply to cost items in the Quantity Items tab. Click the Include Quantity Items button to set up filters. For example, you can configure a filter in the Install 8” PVC Water Main DR18 cost item to bring in items that contain Water Main, PVC, 8” in the description.

    View the aggregate total of the cost item quantity. In the image below, in the Install 8” PVC Water Main DR18 cost item, you can see the total of 918.20 ft, and you can also see all the markup items that make up the total.

    You can import additional cost items to your estimate from another job folder using the Bid Wizard’s current functionality. The import automatically employs the same filter configuration used in your Bluebeam source job and automatically spreads quantity items to cost items using the same criteria. You can scale the pre-efined cost items and include the subordinate items and their applicable ratios.

    Quantity Item Employment

    The Quantity Item Employment Register shows you the list of quantity items, the CBS position code location of the quantity item’s employment, and several other columns to that provide details from the Bluebeam take-off data, which are similar to the Quantity Item Register columns.

    Estimators can view the cost and man-hours per individual mark up item, which lets them further break down the estimate. For example, you can see the estimates total cost by page, by the estimator performing the takeoff, or by phase or area of the job to the extent that information was captured as part of the takeoff. For more information, see the new Bluebeam - Quantity takeoff topic.

Backstage view

  • Backstage landing view – You can now view your recently opened jobs as a list or thumbnail tiles, which lets you quickly access recently opened jobs. You can also create new jobs and open existing jobs in the view. ClosedRead more

    The list shows up to 10 recent jobs and up to 5 favorite tagged jobs. The jobs tagged as favorites show at the top of the list.

    The source for the thumbnail images is from the estimate project in InEight Platform. You can change between the list view or tile view using the List-Tileview icon at the top right of the section.

    Click the More Jobs button to open the Job Register, where you can search and open jobs that do not show in the list. For more information, see the Backstage View section in General Navigation.