Estimate in the cloud refers to InEight's hosted estimating solution on the InEight Cloud Platform.

Estimate on-premise refers to InEight's estimating solution deployed in a customer's local environment.

Estimate IN THE CLOUD 24.5

VIDEO | 24.5 Release Overview

Filter Editor improvements

  • Edit Filter buttonWhen creating or modifying filters in registers, the Filter Editor can now be invoked by clicking the Edit Filter button located on the bottom right of the page.ClosedRead more

  • Creating complex filters using the Filter EditorYou can now use the filter editor to create more complex filters.

Previously, when opening the Filter Editor dialog box, you were limited to defining filter criteria on only the column used to open the Filter Editor, now you can define filters across any of the columns available in the register. Additionally, users can still open the Filter Editor using the button in the column filter dropdown, but regardless of how the user accesses it , the Filter Editor dialog now permits defining a filter for the entire register and not just the selected column.

  • Because all the register fields are now available, more complex filters can now be created by using Grouping and Or operators. In the following example, a filter has been defined to return all Terminal Cost Items that either have a cost source of Plug, or exceed $100,000 of Total Cost (Forecast).

Job and template registers

  • New job and template register OBS filter treeThe Job register now has an organization tree filter so you can see where estimates exist in the OBS.ClosedRead more

    When the Organization Tree Filter is enabled, you can now see the jobs that are associated with an organization tree node in the new OBS filter tree. This helps you locate and organize estimates to more quickly inside of an organization hierarchy.

    If you group by Project ID, and then select a node in the organization, you can see all the projects and their associated estimates belonging to that part of the organization. For example, there are five estimates associated with project 100656 and one associated with project 101620. This view shows you the relationship between all the project and estimate associations.

    The Template register now also has an organization tree filter. When you click on an organization tree node, it shows the templates assigned to that selected organization. Just like the job register, the list of templates is filtered based on the selected organization. The primary difference between the OBS tree filter in the job and template registers is that estimates are associated with projects in the job register, and projects belong to an organization. In the template register, templates belong to an organization.