Quantify model data

Data Transformation Operations (DTOs) provide flexible and repeatable processes to quantify model data. In the following examples you will see how you can quantify model data using DTOs.

The InEight Model to InEight Estimate integration is the most efficient way to get quantities from a model into an estimate. For more information, see Model-Estimate overview Overview.

The following examples do not use the InEight Estimate integration.

Extract quantities from model

You can sum up quantities from your model to use for estimating or tracking subs by installed quantities.

  • Quantities by Count

    You can add a DTO to find specific model objects to sum up their quantities, and then utilize the Quantity action type to sum the quantities by count.

    Add a DTO, and then name it Foundation Pier.

    In the Selector tab create the following rule criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 02 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value G-Foundations
    Exclude children

    Click on the Add row icon on the boottom left, and then use the following criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 80 - Construction Items
    Operator =
    Value Drilled Pier

    Use the and/or row toggle on the top left to select and. When you use the and toggle, it means that both rules must apply to model objectdata.

    In the Actions tab use the following criteria:

    Action Quantity
    Quantity Type count
    Code FND PEIR
    Units Items
    Description Foundation Pier

    You can give the Code and Description fields your own custom input to help organize the data.

    Click the Equals icon to see your quantities. You can also use the Operation and Value fields to adjust your quantities, and then click the Equals icon to see your updated quantities.

    Click the Run selected button to execute the DTO and create the new tag according to your selection criteria.

  • Quantities by area

    Add a DTO to find specific model object to sum up their quantities and then utilize the Quantity action type to sum the quantities by area.

    Add a DTO, and then name it Foundation Pier.

    In the Selector tab create the following rule criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 02 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value G-Foundations

    Use the and/or toggle at the top left to select and.

    Click the Add icon on the bottom left, and then add the following criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 80 - Construction Items
    Operator =
    Value Drilled Pier
    Exclude children

    In the Actions tab use the following criteria:

    Action Quantity
    Quantity Type sum area
    Code FND PEIR
    Units square feet
    Description Foundation Pier

    Click the Equals icon to see your quantities. You can also use the Operation and Value fields to adjust your quantities, and then click on the Equals icon to see your updated quantities.

    Click the Run selected button to execute the DTO and create the new tag according to your selection criteria.

  • Quantities by volume

    You can add a DTO to find specific model object to sum up their quantities and then use the Quantity action type to sum up the quantities by volume.

    Add a DTO, and then name it Foundation Pier.

    In the Selector tab create the following rule criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 02 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value G-Foundations

    Use the and/or row toggle at the top left to select and.

    Click the Add row icon on the bottom left, and then add the following criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 80 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value Drilled Pier
    Exclude children

    In the Actions tab use the following criteria:

    Action Quantity
    Quantity Type sum volume
    Code FND PEIR
    Units cubic yards
    Description Foundation Pier

    Click the Equals icon to see your quantities. You can also use the Operation and Value fields to adjust your quantities, and then click the Equals icon to see your updated quantities.

    Click the Run selected button to execute the DTO and create the new tag according to your selection criteria.

  • Quantities by tag

    You can add a DTO to find specific model object to sum up the quantities and then utilize the Quantity action type to sum up the quantities using a tag.

    Add a DTO, and then name it Foundation Pier.

    In the Selector tab create the following rule criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 02 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value G-Foundations
    Exclude children

    Use the and/or row toggle at the top left to select and.

    Click the Add row icon on the bottom left, and then add the following criteria:

    Rule Type Tag
    Tag / OP Name 80 - Construction Levels
    Operator =
    Value Drilled Pier
    Exclude children

    In the Actions tab use the following criteria:

    Action Quantity
    Quantity Type sum property
    Tag IN8_Area (sf)
    Code FND PEIR
    Description Foundation Pier

    Click the Equals icon to see your quantities. You can also use the Operation and Value fields to adjust the quantities, and then click the Equals icon to see updated quantities.

    Click the Run selected button to execute the DTO and create the new tag according to your selection criteria.

  • Access quantities via Excel Plug-in

    Model has a plug-in for Microsoft Excel to access model quantities. To download the Excel Plug-in Installer go to InEight Downloads.

    After you install the plug-in, the InEight menu will show in the top menu ribbon of Excel.

    Model and Excel interact with each other without the need to have the Excel application open. However, the data created using quantity DTOs uses tables. You must be logged in to Model via Excel to access the table data.

    When you click on the InEight tab in Excel, you can log in using the same credentials you use for Model.

    Click Table-> admin-> config-> DTO-> DTO Estimate Record-> Query All.

    The results of the Quantity DTOs executed in Model will show.