Model-Estimate overview


There are two methods for using Model quantities and integrating them with InEight Estimate, either the Model and Estimate integration, or the quantity function in DTOs that integrate with the Microsoft Excel Plug-in. For more information about DTO quantity integration with Excel Plug-in, see Access quantities via Excel Plug-in in Quantify model data.

The following table shows Model integration for Estimate on-premise and SaaS.

Cost item information - Estimate to Model On-premise SaaS
CBS number
Unit of Measure
User defined field 11 x
User defined field 12
User defined field 13
User defined field 14
User defined field 15
Parent level UDF 11 x
Parent level UDF 12 x
Parent level UDF 13 x
Parent level UDF 14 x
Parent level UDF 15 x