Model 24.5 Release Notes

Updated 03-JUN-2024

Desktop Release Notes

  • Component claiming integration with InEight Plan – You can now perform component claiming and sync changes with Plan. ClosedRead more

    You can perform claiming in the Elements and AWP panels Claiming tab. When you save the claiming updates, a Save Changes dialog box shows with the pending updates. Click Save to sync the changes with Plan. Previously, component claiming performed in Model did not sync with Plan.

    The following image shows claiming in the Elements panel:

    For more information about Element claiming, see Quantity claiming in Elements. For more information about AWP claiming, see in Quantity claiming in AWP.

  • New tags created for total surface area and total volume – When importing using plug-ins, Model now creates new tag categories for InEight Total surface area and InEight Total volume in the Tags tab. ClosedRead more

    Model creates tags for total surface area and total volume when you import. You can use the tags to perform various workflows such as DTOs, quantity take-offs, and sync with your estimate.

    For more information, see Model streams overview.

Mobile Release Notes

  • Component claiming integration with InEight Plan – You can now perform component claiming and sync changes with Plan. ClosedRead more

    You can perform claiming in the Elements panel’s Claiming tab. When you perform claiming, updates will save to your Project Updates queue. When you sync, updates for claiming now sync with Plan. You must perform a sync to sync your updates to Plan.

    The following image shows claiming in the Elements panel:

    You can perform full claiming for individual steps by tapping the Edit icon, and then selecting the steps for claiming:

    You can also perform partial and full claiming by tapping individual steps and entering the install quantity or select yes in the Is Complete field:

    For more information, see Quantity claiming in Elements.

  • Default styles sets for Element Progress and Work Package Progress (AWP) – The default styles in Model desktop are now available in Model mobile. ClosedRead more

    When the AWP is enabled in the project, Model creates default style sets for Element Progress and CWPs, IWPs percent complete. The default style sets are enabled in the Styling panel for Work Package Progress and Element Progress style sets.

    The following image shows the Element Progress style set:

    The following image shows the Work Package Progress style set:

    The default styles are read-only and have pre-defined progress indicators that cannot be edited.

    For more information, see Style Sets.

Admin Tools Release Notes

In this release, no features were added but technical improvements were made in the background to enhance your experience in Admin Tools.

Microsoft Excel Plug-in Release Notes

  • New tab for visual reporting data in Microsoft Excel plug-in – The InEight Schd Inspector tab has been added to show all the visual reporting data from the existing InEight tab and includes additional functions that you can use to build visual reporting data. ClosedRead more

    After you set the ID tag, you can now perform the following:

    • Schedule Start Date and Schedule Finish Date - Add schedule start and finish dates.

    • Settings - Use Settings to open the Interrogator Settings to set scheduled functions that includes define colors, change date settings, configure auto increment settings.

    • Date Increment – Configure the increments in days, weeks, or months to view date ranges and track scheduled items.

    • Show in Model - You can view your IWP selection in Model by clicking the Show in Model button.

    • Auto Increment – When On Auto Increment is selected in settings, and you click the Auto Increment button, a style set is created for every increment amount selected. You can select each style set scheduled increment and view in the model.

    For more information, see InEight Visual Report.