Utilizing Maintenance Work Orders
Daily planning tracks work related tasks, but you also may need to track maintenance related work orders. With the option to display maintenance turned on, you can use InEight Progress to log employee hours against your maintenance work orders.
The option Add Maintenance in the daily plan will default to By Work Orders
The Step by Step examples in this lesson use the Progress web application. You would use the same functionality for the Progress mobile application.
Add Maintenance Work Order to Time Sheet
This practice can be used for both the web and mobile versions of Daily Planning.
On the project dashboard, select the Daily Planning module under Progress.
In Daily Planning, check your daily plan and click the edit icon.
Navigate to the Time sheet tab.
Click the + Add Maintenance button.
An Add maintenance slide out panel appears
Note that you can add a maintenance task under one of two categories:
By Work Orders allows you to select the equipment being maintained and then assign the related work order created in the ERP system
By Cost Code allows you to select a related cost code instead of a “temporary work order” so that maintenance-related hours can be tracked
Start typing an equipment code or equipment type in the search bar.
Select the piece of equipment from your plan and notice that the available work orders appear in the adjacent window.
Click the + to add the work order.
Notice that the work order shows displays in the Time Sheet tab. The colors are inverted from the task code blocks
For work orders added by work order, the tile displays the cost center, work order number, and work order description
Only labor hours can be added to work orders, not equipment hours. Note in the above the equipment-related tile is dimmed to reflect this
You can then add labor hours to any given employee related to the maintenance work order through the typical time sheet process