Contract 24.9 Release Notes

General release is available starting 07-OCT-2024.

Updated 23-OCT-2024

  • Copy VCO line items – You can now copy line items in a VCO to the VCO schedule of values. The schedule of values items are automatically associated to the line items. Previously, when you added new line items to the VCO, you would have to manually add them to the schedule of values and associate them. You can also copy line items to the Line items page. ClosedRead more

    The Copy icon has been added to the VCO Line items page. When you click the icon, you can then select whether to copy to a line item or to the schedule of values.

    When copying to the schedule of values, a new schedule of values item is created, and the Contract line item ID, the description, UOM, quantity, and unit price fields are copied to the new item. The Hide in plan and progress field defaults to Yes. The line items are automatically associated to the schedule of values.

    Limit lines cannot be copied to a schedule of values.

    When you copy to the Line items page, a dialog box lets you select the sections of the line items you want to copy.

    For more information about copying VCO line items, see Vendor Change Orders.

  • Start workflow when only one role per step has a valid user assigned – Now only one role in each step must have a valid user assigned to start a workflow. This enhancement lets you start a workflow when the organization-level setup includes a role that does not have a person assigned to your project. ClosedRead more

    Previously, when a workflow step had multiple roles, all roles were required to have at least one user assigned before starting the workflow.

    Now, when the Projects must select specific users … check box in the organization workflow approval setup is not selected, and there are multiple roles assigned in a single step, you can assign one user to any step before workflow can begin. When the check box is selected, you must assign specific users to each step.

    For more information, see Workflow Assignments .

  • Master data libraries status for general ledger accounts, payment terms, and Incoterms – When the status of a general ledger account, payment term, or Incoterm is set to Unavailable in the Master data libraries, that account, payment term, or Incoterm no longer shows in drop-down lists for contract and VCO fields.Closed Read more

    The import templates for the Contract header, Contract line items, and VCO line items now show only accounts and terms that are available in the template drop-down lists. If the Master data library item was updated to Unavailable before the file is imported, the field is imported as a blank.

    For more information about setting master data statuses, refer to the InEight Platform 24.9 Release Notes. For information about general ledger accounts, payment terms, and Incoterms, see Header Tab.

  • Organization-level Contracts settings moved to Configurations – The Accrual/Receipts settings, Diversity participation, and Supporting documents configurations are now located in the Organization > Configurations list to improve performance. Previously, they were tabs under the Organization > Contracts settings. For more information, see Accrual/Receipt settings, Diversity participation, and Supporting documents.