Data Blocks


Each data block is a set of columns grouped together based on categories of information. Using data blocks helps you organize and manage all the columns on a page.

Data blocks are customizable, and you can view them side by side and move them around in the register. The information in each data block displays in a grid like format, maintaining a spreadsheet look and feel.

Each type of data block has its own unique default settings such as date range selectors and date preset options (for financial periods). You can choose the total number of columns and panels for each data block.

Resize column width

Data blocks can be customized based on your viewing preferences.. You can resize the columns widths within a data block, so you are able to see all the data within a column.

In the below example, the Tasks Data block contains a column called Description. There are values in the Description column which have the capability of being expanded for better visibility. The shortened descriptions to be expanded are denoted by a ‘…’ after the shortened description name.

If you want to resize and move the Description column to the right, select the Description column border, and drag it to the right. Stop dragging the column when you’re satisfied with the column width.

Data Block Categories

There are three categories of data blocks: Standard, Cost Category and Custom data blocks.

Standard Data Block

These include the following default data blocks: 

  • Task Details

  • Actuals

  • Current Budget & Estimate

  • Forecast

  • Forecast Delta

  • Live Forecast

  • Schedule

You can customize the columns grouped within each of these data blocks.

Cost Category Data Block 

These data blocks organize key project progress information by cost category, and include the following:

  • Cost categories: Actuals

  • Cost categories: Current Budget

  • Cost categories: Current Estimate

  • Cost categories: Forecast

You can change the columns in Cost Category data blocks.

Custom Data Block

There are nine types of custom data blocks, each with their own unique characteristics:

You have the freedom to choose the type that best meets your needs. You will then select which columns go into the custom data block.

Add a Data Block

The following step by step walks you through adding a standard or cost category data block to the CBS tab of the Workspaces page.

Add a Standard Data Block

  1. On the CBS tab of the Workspaces page, click on the Add data block button on the right toolbar to open the Data block slide out panel.

  2. On the slide out panel on the left, drag and drop the Cost categories: CB data block into the register page on the right. 

    Each view holds a maximum of five data blocks.

    • This will drop the data block at the very far right side and you can then move it via

      drag and drop in the register

    You can view currently active project data blocks by either a thumbnail or list.

Create a Custom Data Block

The following steps walk you through creating a custom data block from scratch.

Create a Custom Data Block

  1. On the CBS register page, click on the Add data block button, to open the data block slide out panel.

  2. At the bottom of the Data Block menu, select Create custom data blocks.

  3. Select Data Block Type: General.

  4. In the Data block title, enter in [your initials] Training – Unit Cost.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Using one of the methods above, add the following columns to the data block on the right:

    • Unit Cost (To Date)

    • CE Unit Cost (To Date)

    • Forecast Remaining Unit Cost

    • Forecast Final Unit Cost

    • CE Forecast Unit Cost G/L

  7. Once your data block is finalized, click Save at the bottom right of the slide out panel.

    On the Add data blocks slide out panel, you will only see the Custom data blocks you create. Custom data blocks created by other users will only show up under their respective logins.

Forecast Data Block

When you open the Forecasts view, you can select existing private forecasts or choose to create a new private or shared forecast. This helps to create a more manageable list of private and shared forecasts.

Data Block Context Menu

The data block Context Menu allows you to perform different operations specific to the data block you select.

The following table provides an overview of Context Menu options:

Data Block Context Menu



Choose columns

Open the column chooser menu and move, add, and remove columns from the data block.


Filter data within a data block.

Save data block as

Create a copy of the existing data block and save it.

Remove data block

Remove the data block from the current view.

Color coded terminal items

(Tasks data block only)

Add colors to terminal items of your current data block.

Color-coded CBS position

(Tasks data block only)

Adds colors to all CBS lines.

Show/Hide WBS Phase Code

(Tasks data block only)

Display or remove the WBS Phase Code column within the Tasks data block.

In the following step by step, you will learn how to modify a custom or an existing data block using the Context Menu.

Edit a Data Block

  1. In the CBS register, select the Context Menu icon of the custom data block you created.

  2. Select Choose columns from the context menu.

  3. Add a new column to your custom data block.

  4. Remove a column from your custom data block by selecting the header and clicking the left-facing arrow to return it to the left column.

  5. To close the slide out panel, click the APPLY button on the bottom right of the slide out.

Filter Data Block Data

You can filter the columns in your data blocks to see relevant information pertaining to your specific needs.

The following Step by Step walks you through filtering data block columns.

Filter Data in a Data Block Column

  1. From any tab, on any column header, select the yellow arrow icon.​

  2. Select your desired operator from the first drop-down list.​

  3. Enter the value in the next field.​

  4. Select the next fields for filters logic and additional operator.​

  5. Select Apply. The pyramid turns yellow.​

  6. To clear the filter, select the same column header and yellow arrow.

  7. Select Clear.