Track Open/Remaining and Total Committed Costs

Additional information about purchase orders and contracts (for any particular task) can be viewed and updated within CBS columns. This provides users with a more comprehensive data set in one location.

Committed costs are the purchase orders or subcontract commitments that a cost item may have against it. To determine open and total commitments, look at the agreed or pending purchase order amounts that are associated to any particular cost item. This information is typically exported from your ERP or accounting system.

Open/Remaining committed cost: Total committed cost - Actual cost (amount that still needs to be paid for a cost item).

Total committed cost: The summation of all purchase order and/or contract obligation amounts assigned to a cost item.

Open/Remaining committed cost adjustment: A debit or credit to the existing Open committed/Remaining cost value.

New open committed cost: Open/Remaining committed cost + Open/Remaining committed cost adjustment.

However, there is also the option to use a generic API to push committed cost values into InEight Control. If your organization does not have an ERP system, you can configure the endpoints in APIM and push over your committed cost values.

Viewing Open/Remaining and Total Committed Costs

  1. On the CBS register tab, select the Group Columns icon to the right of the page.  The icon will turn yellow when turned on.
    • Tasks, Task details and Commitments data block need to be present on this screen
    • If the Commitments data block has not been created, create a custom data block using the Data Icon and include columns Remaining committed cost, and Total committed cost. Insert this data block into your view.

  1. Drag the UOM column from the Task details data block, and drop it into the grey bar area
    • Notice how UOM's are now are now visible by groups.

  2. To view a more granular level of information, navigate into the context menu for a cost item, and select Actuals details.

  3. Once in the Actuals details, navigate to the Commitments tab.

    • Here is a more concentrated view of the cost category breakdown of the Open and Total commitments
    • It's also possible to update information. For example: the below cost item for Water & Ice Distribution, the New total committed cost is showing that a contract was signed for $1,267.87.
    • There is $700.00 left remaining to pay the full $1,267.87 subcontract, as shown in the New open committed costs column
    • Assuming a bill of $100.00 was just paid, it's possible to update the Open committed cost adjustment field with this value. Notice how the New open/remaining committed cost decreases to $600.00, after making an adjustment of $-100.00 to the Open committed cost adjustment field.
  4. Select Apply to apply the above changes.

  5. Back on the CBS, you can now see your new updated values for this cost item.

Both the Open/Remaining committed cost and the Total committed cost values can be edited in the Actuals details slideout > Commitments tab (with the right permissions).