Pay Item Details

When you right click on a pay item, a context menu appears with four options for managing pay items. You can:

  • Insert a pay item

  • Delete a pay item

  • Access/maintain pay item details

  • Access/maintain billed revenue details.

Selecting Pay item details will open a Pay item Details slide out panel.

You can also access this context menu by hovering over to the right of the Description and clicking on the three black dots.

Details Tab

The first tab in Pay item details is called Details. This is where you can view the details for the pay item such as Total Price, Pay Quantity, and Unit Price. You can also make changes to fields such as Pay Item number, Line number, and Description.

Attributes Tab

Next is the Attributes tab. This is where you can associate specific tags to your pay item, or to define field values.

Change Orders Tab

The Change Orders tab displays all change orders associated to the selected pay item.

Cost Items Tab

The Cost Items tab displays the cost items that are assigned to the selected pay item. In this example there are two cost items assigned to the 002 Concrete – Labor & Material pay item.

Cost Categories

The Cost Categories tab shows a break at the cost category level for the cost items that are assigned to that pay item. This tab is a quick way to see where you have cost and revenue as well as where you have revenue at the pay item level for the pay item at the cost category level. The different fields represent the different billing methods that are available currently.

Forecast final revenue, Revenue earned, and Markup amount only show at the totals level of the cost categories.

Forecast final revenue and Revenue earned shows the information that is pulled from the pay item's register.

The Total cost to date column breaks down the information from the information from the cost items assigned to the pay based on where you claimed the cost for those items.

The Markup amount calculates the difference between your total price and your agreed upon current budget cost for those assigned cost items. The Markup amount uses the calculation Total price on the pay item - sum of the CB total cost on the assigned cost items