Control 24.5 Release Notes

General release is available starting 03-JUN-2024.

Updated 03-JUN-2024

  • Cost item creation process – The performance and page layout for the cost item creation process has been improved to reduce the amount of time it takes to create new cost items. ClosedRead more Watch Video

    Prior to this enhancement, a save would occur after a change was made to any of the New Cost Item attribute page fields. Now, you can make multiple changes and then click the Save button when you are finished with updates to the new cost item fields.

    The new cost item window now includes a section where you can add multiple cost items. Newly added cost items are positioned at the bottom of the CBS hierarchy. As part of the cost item creation performance improvement, you can now quickly create multiple cost items and then click Save when you are finished.

    For more information, see Cost Item Setup.

  • Update Current Estimate values based on Current Budget Adjusted values – You can now update your current estimate values based on the adjusted current budget values for contract adjustments and budget moves. ClosedRead more Watch Video

    There are now ten new columns that show how the current estimate values are based on the adjusted current budget values.

    New check box options under the Update CE total cost, Update CE total MHrs, and Update forecast (T/O) qty let you opt to update the current estimate based on what is adjusted in the current budget after the contract adjustment or budget move is approved.

    For example, if the Adjust CB cost is $500, $500 is added to the CE total cost after the contract adjustment or budget move is approved if the Update CE total cost box is checked to automatically update the New CE total cost field. You can preview the results in the New CE total cost, New CE total MHrs and New forecast (T/O) qty columns.

    You can select multiple cost items and update in mass to update the new Update columns when you select the Auto calculate icon, only when you select the Update CB from CE, or the Update CE from CB options.

    If want to always default the Current estimate cost, man-hours, and quantity to be updated with adjusted Current budget cost, man-hours, and quantity values when change orders are approved, you can switch the Default CE values to be updated from CB values On in Settings > Control > Project Tracking.

    This is a quick way to keep CE and CB values in sync without having to double enter values.

  • Consume pay item associations with new cost items from InEight Change – Control change orders now consume Change’s pay items association with new costs items. Watch Video

    For more information, see Contract Adjustments.