Configuring a New Mail Workflow


You can configure a new mail workflow from the Admin menu. This function is only available to Administrators on the project.

Step by Step — Configure a new mail workflow

Summary: Configure a new mail workflow to create a new mail type.

Considerations: New mail types will have all the features of the existing mail type on which they are based, such as sequential numbering within the mail type. After you have created a new mail type, ensure that the relevant users are given access via Security Groups. The default is that no access is given.

Quick steps:

  1. From the Mail register, click Actions.

  2. In the Admin tab, select Configure mail workflow.

    Configure mail workflow in Admin tab from Actions menu

  3. Click the plus icon.

  4. Enter in the Mail Type and Mail Type Title.

    New Mail type panel with plus icon to enter type and title

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Base Template: Select a template that shows the input and output screen of the mail type.

    • Available in TenderDocs: Select this option to make the mail type available in TenderDocs.

    • Enable File attachments: Select this option to enable users to attach files to this mail type.

    • Response mail type only: Select this option if the mail is only to be used when replying to other mails.

    • Carry forward Orig. Ref No when Replying / Forwarding the mail: Select this option so that the original mail reference is copied to the originator’s reference when replying or forwarding mails of this type.

    • Allow users to modify the Orig. Ref No: Select this option to allow the originator’s reference number to be editable when creating a new mail using reply or forward.

    • Single Mail Reference Number with Response / Forward Counters: Select this option for mail to maintain the original reference number but add a counter at the end of to reflect that mail has been responded to or forwarded.

    • Default Response period: Select the number of days the mail must be responded to by.

    • Forward mail with Mail Types: Controls the type of mail that can be used to forward the current mail type with.

    • Reply to mail with Mail Types: Controls the type of mail that can be used to reply to the current mail type.

  1. Click Save.

What's next: To edit an existing mail type, select it in the Configure Mail Workflow screen and edit the details as needed. You can also edit the following details:

  • To edit the mandatory recipients, click the Edit icon in the Mandatory Recipients column. See "Adding Mandatory Recipients to a Mail Workflow" for information.

  • To select mandatory fields for the mail type, click the Edit icon in the Mandatory Field column, and then select the fields you want to be mandatory. Click Save.

  • You can select or deselect the Enable File Attachments, Allow Single Mail Reference Number, and Available in TenderDocs check boxes.

  • To edit default attributes for the mail type in TenderDocs, click the link in the Attribute Values column. The project attributes are used with TenderDocs only. See "Selecting Mail Types for TenderDocs" for more information.

You can delete a mail type only if it has not been used. To delete a mail type, select it, and then click Delete.

New mail types can be further customized if required by InEight.