9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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With documentation and pricing in place, the superintendent is ready to advance the additional steel work issue to a potential change order.
Within InEight Change, you can associate the issue record to a new Potential Change Order (PCO) record.
Once an issue has been created and priced, with relevant documentation added to it, the issue is ready to be advanced as a Potential Change Order (PCO). This represents a potential change to the prime contract.
A PCO may contain one or more issues.
A PCO may go through several changes during the negotiation with the customer.
You can track PCOs to see the potential effects on your budget and revenue.
Your organization may use PCOs...
to communicate issues to a customer.
to review pricing and schedule details with the client during the negotiation phase of the change order process.
to allow the client to review details for their own budget and planning purposes.
Detailed pricing and scheduling can be completed at the issue level, so PCOs are primarily used for communication, review, and approval.
Ideas on Site
Issues can be converted directly into a Client Change Order (CCO), skipping over the PCO process if that fits your business process better. Or you may have an urgent issue that needs immediate attention, where the owner agrees to approve it right away, so you convert the issue straight to CCO with no need for negotiation.
Follow the steps below to convert an issue to a PCO.
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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