Change Order Management

InEight provides a comprehensive, streamlined process for managing change orders, from initial issue to final change order approval.

Explore the pages below to learn more about each step.

COM overview workflow:EVM overall workflow chart

Identify Issue and Communicate with Stakeholders

InEight provides several ways to capture and communicate issues, whether in the office or onsite.

See the workflow below, then click on each section for more detailed process information.

I - Create an Issue

Select the topics in this section to explore the various options for capturing issues.

II - Approve an Issue

This section covers how to set up and execute issue approval.

III - Notify Stakeholders

This section shows how to notify key stakeholders of issues from InEight Document or Change.

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Collect Relevant Information and Documentation

Use InEight tools to capture issue details, manage issue-related correspondence, and communicate the issue with Project Controls.

I - Add Issue Details

This section reviews how to capture and save important issue information.

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II - Document Issue Correspondence

Access this session to learn how to document correspondence as the issue progresses.

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III - Associate Issue in Control

This section covers how the project controls team can reference issues in InEight Control.

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Evaluate Schedule Impacts

As you track issues, the scheduler can receive notifications to consider risks, and build out a what-if schedule to include with the issue documentation.

I - Update Schedule Impact

This section reviews how to capture initial estimates of schedule impact and communicate them to the scheduler.

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II - Create a What-If Issue Schedule

Use this section to learn how to build out what-if schedules for issues and changes using InEight Schedule.

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Price The Issue

As you receive more information, InEight includes several tools to help you calculate pricing for your issues.

I - Update Current Estimate

This section shows how you can estimate issue pricing using current estimate values in InEight Control.

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II - Price the Issue

This section explores the methods available to price your issues within InEight Change.

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III - Estimate Time Dependent Costs

This section walks through considering how an issue may affect time-dependent overhead items and how to account for this in the issue’s pricing.

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Create Potential Change Order

If your issue looks like it may become a change order, you can use InEight Change to convert it to a Potential Change Order as you continue negotiating pricing and tracking correspondence.

I - Convert Issue to PCO

Select this section to learn how to generate a potential change order associated with your issue.

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II - Forecast Potential Revenue and Cost

This section shows how you can forecast the potential revenue and cost impact of your change on the project.

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III - Review Schedule Impact

This section shows how you can review the available schedule information and make the necessary adjustments directly in the PCO record.

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IV - Approve PCO

View this section to review the option of approving a potential change order.

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Evaluate Client Change Order

As the client agrees to the change, you can upgrade the issue or potential change order to a Client Change Order within InEight Change.

I - Convert to CCO

View this section to learn how to generate a CCO associated with an issue or PCO.

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II - Create CCO Documentation

This section walks through how to generate change order documentation for internal review.

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II - Get Internal CCO Approval

Access this section to see how to set up and execute an internal approval process for your client change order.

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Execute Contract Changes

With the client change order reviewed and approved in your organization, you can send the final change order for signature and execute the change order.

I - Finalize Client Approvals

Review this section to learn how to send final documentation for eSignature until all signatures are received.

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II - Execute the Change Order

This section covers the steps for executing the change order.

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Accept Change into Budget and Forecast

The executed change order shows up in the Changes Register within InEight Control for Project Management to review and approve. Once approved, the change updates the budget and forecast.

I - Approve Contract Adjustment

This section reviews the steps for reviewing and approving the change order to update the budget in InEight Control.

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II - Review Budget and Forecast Changes

This section shows how best to view budget and forecast changes once a change order is approved.

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III - Update Schedule Based on Approved Activities

View this section to walk through how to make final changes to the schedule once the change order is approved.

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