Create a Budget

project controls manager on the phone
Use Case

The project controls manager is putting together the budget for a structural steel project that is about to begin. To do this, she uses the project estimate from the Estimating team, making adjustments as needed.

Starting the Earned Value Management (EVM) process begins with creating a budget in InEight Control. This section covers the three methods for creating a budget from scratch or via import.

business process workflow

Ideas on Site

Prior to creating the budget, a project must be created and set up in the system. If your company uses an integration with your ERP system, the new project will originate from there. If not, you will follow your internal process for creating a new project directly in the InEight platform.

Once created, project setup includes:

  • Making the project active and verifying project details.

  • Adjusting Project Settings based on project needs for each InEight module (e.g., Control, Plan, Progress).

  • Assigning users, employees and equipment to the project.

Click here for additional information on project setup:

Project Initiation

Project Settings

Consult your company’s internal processes for additional details.

Option 1: Import budget from InEight Estimate

This is the best option when your Estimating team uses InEight Estimate for the project’s initial estimate.

Step 1

An InEight estimate includes take-off quantities, detailed costs, and man-hours that can be pushed into InEight Control to create your Original Budget.

In InEight Estimate, “conform” your estimate, preparing it to be your construction project budget.

Step 2

Select the import option from the Integrations tab in InEight Estimate.

This imports the entire cost structure into your Control budget (CBS).

To learn more, access the following links:

Review the Prepping the Control Budget for Various Interfaces document for recommendations on how best to conform your estimate for budget purposes.

Consult the Estimate Integration to Cloud Platform document to walk in more detail through the steps of pushing from Estimate to Control.

Option 2: Import budget from Excel

This is the best option when you have an estimate file from another system that you need to get into InEight Control to become your project’s budget.

Format data in Excel Create a new project Map to Control fields Run Import
  • Need CBS position codes for each item
  • Include qty, UoM, & costs
  • Break down into cost categories if needed
  • Click All projects & organizations
  • Select the Add project icon
  • At minimum, complete required fields
  • Click Save
  • Select Import > Cost Items

  • Browse to Excel file and open

  • Under options, select Cost items and New items

  • Map Excel file columns to Control fields

  • Click Next to import

  • If errors, click link to review and fix

  • Click Import now

  • System shows import progress

  • CBS register populates Current Estimate fields

Access the following links to learn more:

CBS Excel Import

Cost Item Excel Import

Option 3: Create budget from scratch

While tedious, this option can be used when you literally have nothing in the job, and need to start by manually adding cost items, to build out your whole cost structure.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Step 1

Within InEight Control, add cost items as needed.

  • Select the Add button.

  • Select Create new blank cost item.

  • Then click Yes.

Step 2

Move cost items as needed to create the superior/subordinate structure.

  • Right-click the cost item and select Adjust CBS position.

  • Click Move to to reorder the cost item, or drag and drop it into a new position.

Access the following link to learn more:

Cost Item Setup

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