Award With Digital Signatures

image of a male and female construction project  manager on site
Use Case

With internal contract approval complete, contracts are awarded to subcontractors using digital signatures, streamlining the process and ensuring a secure and efficient contract execution.

Once you have internal contract approval you are ready to send the contract to be signed electronically.

InEight Contract can integrate with DocuSign for getting signatures.

The following video walks you through how to set up DocuSign with InEight Contract:

Once you have your contract document set up for e-signature, you are ready to send it to your recipients.

Set up recipients' names and emails Select document(s) for e-signature Format document(s) Send for e-signature Approvals complete

Confirm recipients have e-signature accounts and set up correctly.

In Supporting Documents tab, select the document you want to send for e-signature.

Make sure document is formatted correctly before sending.

An email with a link will be sent out to the individuals who will sign the document(s). Once all approvals are submitted, the process is complete.

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