Review Contract Documents Using InEight Document

image of a male and female construction project  manager on site
Use Case

Due to the large scale of the project, the project team decides to use InEight Document to manage a more detailed review process. The contract manager set up review workflows and request documents from vendors.


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If you are part of a large organization, you may need a more robust document approval process. InEight Document is better suited for more sophisticated document control, to ensure all required parties receive notification and can review and sign off on contract documents.

Using InEight Document, you have multiple options beyond what you find in InEight Contract for setting up an automated approval process that best meets the unique needs of your organization.

This may include coordinating approval of the following contract documentation:

  • Insurance documentation

  • Bond documentation

  • Safety standards for the past couple of years

  • OSHA reportable(s)

The following workflow summarizes the process for managing contract document approval In InEight Document:

workflow for large organizations

Access the following content for more information:

Document Review and Approval

Review a Document in Microsoft Office

Review and Release Documents

The following video walks through how to manage document review workflows in InEight Document as a review coordinator:

Watch this video to learn how to review contract documents using InEight Document:

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