Review And Approve Contract

image of a male and female construction project  manager on site
Use Case

After the contract review is complete and all requested documents have been received from the vendors, the contract manager uses InEight Contract to manage the final contract approval process.


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InEight Contract makes the final contract review and approval process easy. Prior to creating a purchase order, you can launch the approval workflow in three steps:

  1. Start the approval process.

  2. Check to see how your budget compares to the contract value.

  3. Attach any documentation so all contract information is available for reviewers.

The following video walks you through this process, focusing especially on the comparison of the contract value to the budget:

Create Purchase Order

InEight Contract gives you the ability to create a purchase order so your organization can get started buying materials and invoicing.

Creating the purchase order is easy; just click on the “Create Purchase Order” button and it sends the contract to your ERP system.

For more information, access the following resources:

PO Creation

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