Conform the Estimate

The project estimate is often used as a starting point for the project budget. The estimate needs to be conformed in preparation for project execution so there can be effective tracking, forecasting, and reporting.

When you create a job in InEight Estimate in the cloud, you connect it to a project in InEight Platform.

In Estimate, you can publish the conformed estimate to become the project budget in InEight Control.

To successfully publish the estimate for project execution, you must perform the following:

  • Align the Estimate and Platform data.

  • Conform the estimate.

  • Publish the estimate to a project in Platform.

  • Review the project to confirm successful publishing of the estimate.

For more information, download the following documents from the Integrated Documents page:

Estimate Integration to Cloud Platform and Control for more detailed information about Estimate integration to Platform.

Prepping Control Budget for Various Interfaces for detailed information about the preparation of a project budget for implementation in Control.