Model 24.3 Release Notes

Updated 08-APR-2024

Desktop Release Notes

  • Issue manager Feed tab search – The search is no longer case sensitive to broaden your search results. For more information about managing issues, see Create and Manage Coordination Issues.

  • Zoom to mouse cursor option – The mouse cursor must now be inside the model geometry to use the zoom-to-cursor option. Previously, zoom-to-cursor was available when the mouse cursor was outside the model geometry, which caused it to zoom away to a blank space. For more information, see Navigation controls in Navigation.

  • Clash Manager Measurements option – You can now use measurements in clashes to provide measurement adjustments in clashes when needed. ClosedRead more

    Previously, the Measurements option was disabled in clashes. Now the Measurements option is available after entering clash isolation mode within Clash Manager.

    For more information, see Measurements.

  • Issue Manager filter – To improve application performance, you can now set your filter criteria, and then click Apply to get your results. Previously, it was a live filter that provided dynamic results when selecting your criteria. ClosedRead more

    In the filter section of Issue Manager, you can set your filter criteria, and then click Apply to get your results.

    The count for open and closed issues based on your filter criteria is also shown at the bottom of the panel. For more information about managing issues, see topics in Coordination - Issue Manager.

  • Box sectioning behavior – In View > Sectioning, when you set section boxes in your model, and then move them to shrink the model in any direction, the boxes planes no longer move through the opposite plane extremity and inverting. Previously, the boxes inverted and caused you to be in an unstable state in the model. ClosedRead more

    For example, using negative values for LEFT to shrink the section box further to the right does not go past the last section line to prevent from inverting itself and moving the box to an unstable state.

    For more information about sectioning, see Create and Apply Sectioning.

Mobile Release Notes

  • Selection Information panel organization – The Selection Information panel has been split into three tabs to organize object data and make it easily accessible in the field. Previously, all the information was shown on one panel. ClosedRead more

    You can now choose from the following tabs:

    Properties – Shows the model object properties such as Constraints, Construction, and Dimensions.

    Tags – Shows any tags associated with the model object.

    Related – Shows any related information associated with the model object such as associated elements, issues, checklists, and documents.

    For more information, see Right navigation menu in Model mobile Overview.

  • Selection Display Style option - The Selection Display Style option in the Model desktop application is now available in Model mobile. ClosedRead more

    In Settings > Selection Color, you can select the way your model object selection is highlighted. This is to provide a better visual experience when viewing model objects. In the Stroke section, you can select the color and size of the outline. In the Fill section, you can select the color that fills the selected model object.

    For more information, see Create and Edit Styles.

Admin Tools Release Notes

In this release, no features were added but technical improvements were made in the background to enhance your experience in Admin Tools.

Microsoft Excel Plug-in Release Notes

In this release, no features were added but technical improvements were made in the background to enhance your experience in Excel Plugin.