Frequently asked Questions
Getting Started

You can change the password that you use to log into InEight Document by going to the Settings drop-down on the top menu next to the user name and then select Change password.

If you’re working on several projects, you might have more than one set of login credentials. The login profile feature combines all your credentials under a single profile account. It allows you to log in to all your projects with one email address and password. Go to the top menu next to the user name and click the Settings drop down menu, select Manage login profile, then fill in your details and click Save.
See Also:
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Single Sign-On allows you to log into and access InEight Document with the same credentials as those used when logging into your computer or organization network. If you have multiple user accounts on a single project, you will only be able to link one of them to your Profile account. Single sign-on is now supported for organizations using Okta and PingID applications.
See Also:

Navigate to the required register and click More, Register View, Customise. Click the New button, name your view and select User, Company or Project view. Click Save and then select the saved view from the drop-down list. Set view criteria by changing the Visible column to Yes or No.
See Also:

Click the Contacts button on the top-right.
The address book in Document is project specific and is structured in three levels:
Company types

User preference settings let you define default user preferences for a project that are inherited by newly created users. Default user preferences for project standards for communication and notifications might have been assigned when you started out. You can update your own preferences as you become familiar with your projects.

Projects are linked together for the same user, based on the combination of User ID, Company ID, and Password. If any login details are different or changed for one of these projects, this might result in a project "disappearing" from the user's project list. Login Profiles allow multiple accounts relating back to a single physical user to be linked. This forms a single credential to access projects.

There are several ways to search for documents in the Documents Register. By Simple Search, Filter Criteria, and Advanced Document Search. For a Simple search, enter key words in the search box above the Register. The Register will display documents (or mail if in the mail Register) containing those keywords.
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Smart folders can be used to effectively automate the filing of mail, documents, and other Document data into folders by defining a set of folder specific filing rules. Dynamic folders can automate the process of creating folders and the filing process of data into the created folders.
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Use of folders in Document enables a centralized filing system to be created for use by all parties on a project (public folders) or for use only by a single company on a project (private folders). The use of folders on a project does not in any way compromise your security level. You can create folders from your desired Register. These folders can either be standard, smart, or dynamic folders.
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Condition | Explanation |
Document Status: Is the review status awaiting review and/or awaiting release? |
You cannot up-revise or change any attributes of a document that is under review. You will need to wait for the document to be released. See Also: |
Access Permissions: You get the message ‘You do not have access to this operation’ when trying to upload a document. |
You do not have access to upload documents. Contact your project administrator and request upload access to the document module.
See Also: |
Document Ownership: If you receive the message ‘You do not have access to this operation’. |
When clicking on the existing revision of the document then you may not be able to revise the document as another company uploaded the original revision of the document or you do not have permission to revise documents uploaded by other people from your company. See Also: |

Condition | Explanation |
View file icon is greyed out and the Review Status is ‘Awaiting Review/Release. |
Document is restrained/under review and only visible to review team, admin and the originator until released. See Also: |
All view file icons are greyed out and the Review Status is ‘Released’ or ‘Un-Restrained’ | This is a placeholder record. No view files exist for this document yet. |
Some or all view file icons have a red cross, other view file icons may have a green tick symbol and the Review Status is ‘Released’ or ‘Unrestrained’. | You do not have access to download the file formats that have a red cross. Contact the Project Administrator and request access. |
When you click on the document in the register you get the message ‘You have no authority to view this page’ |
You do not have access to this document and/or discipline. Contact the Project Administrator and request access. See Also: |

Remove the users from the distribution rules and then you can use the transmittal option to transmit documents.
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There are two settings which must be in place to allow a user to upload documents:
The user’s company must be authorized to an upload rule.
The user must have “Full” access to the Documents Module Via the security group they belong to.
Only a Project Administrator, Additional Administrator (or Company Administrator) can configure these settings.
Related Video:

Check the following settings with your project administrator once you have confirmed the document(s) have successfully been uploaded.
• The Notify option within the Distribution Rule for that type of document.
• The required Notification is not checked under Documents in User Preferences.
• Notifications are batched which means you will only receive them every hour.
See Also:

If you have access to update document details, you can select the document in the Register, and then click More. In the Admin menu, choose Change Document Details.
See Also:

No. The document must be removed from the review process before the Document Number can be changed. After this is done, the uploader of the document can use the “Change Document Details” function in the Document Register.

A document going through the review is still in the Documents register. However, it is only accessible by the review team, administrators, and document originators. Users can see this document under the Latest register view (subject to document access).
See Also:
Related Video:

For access to deleted document metadata – run report "080 Deleted Documents - by Document."
To retrieve deleted view files (documents) contact InEight Support.

InEight Document provides a number of different options for uploading documents into the Document Register. Click on the links below for more detail:

Documents uploaded to InEight Document that are restrained are posted to the document register with a review status of Awaiting Review/Release. A restrained document can only be accessed by the review initiator and project administrators. After the workflow is activated, the document can also be accessed by the review coordinator and review team members.
See Also:

Mail visibility can be controlled by Security Groups or for a specific user. Users' Mail viewing access can be restricted to Personal, Company or Department mail access. Users will only be able to see mail that has been send to them (or their department or company if they have been granted that level of access).

You do not have access to the reply and forward mail types available for this type of mail or you do not have the appropriate mail access to perform this function. Contact your administrator.
See Also:

Select all the mail you want to change the status of in the Register and click More > Change Status to. Select the status you want to change the mail to and click Yes to confirm.
See Also:

Unfortunately, it is not possible to delete or recall sent mail. However, if your project has the appropriate project settings activated, it is possible to cancel mail by checking the tick box next to the mail on the mail register and clicking on More and then selecting Cancel.
See Also:

Every mail item has a status. Filter mail by status to see which items require action from you or a recipient. Manage resolved mail items by changing their status to closed out. You can also automatically set mail items to be given an automatic status in user preferences.
Each recipient can manage their own Mail status without affecting the mail statuses of other recipients. For example, if the sender of a mail item sets the Mail status to closed out, the recipient’s status will remain as outstanding.
See Also:
Related Video:

Thread status is equivalent to the originators mail status. Once the originator closes out the first piece of mail sent in the thread, the thread status will be closed out. It can only be closed out when the first/originator email has been closed out.
See Also:
Mail Thread Related Videos:

Enable the favorites column by clicking More, Register View, Customize. Double click on Favorite and select Yes from the Visible drop-down option. Click Save. In the Mail Register, right click on the "Favorites" column next to the particular mail and click on "Manage favorites" from here you can create favorites by assigning the relevant colors.
See Also:

To send mail to external contacts:
Register the contact within InEight Doc with a valid email address.
Mark them as an external contact. This makes the system send the entire content of the correspondence to their normal email inbox.
Generate a mail and assign this contact as the recipient.
Remember that the responses from external contacts will land in your unregistered mail inbox, where you must go in and process them.
We highly recommend inviting all contacts to login and access their InEight Mail to have the most amount of control and status tracking.

You can only delete mail in the Drafts and Unregistered Mail folders. Mail items in your Inbox and Sent Items folders cannot be deleted. All deleted mail is moved to the Deleted Items mailbox. From here, you can delete it permanently.
See Also:
Mail Admin

There's no limit on the number of attachments or file sizes. It is however recommended that a reasonable file size be used depending on your Internet Connection speed.

An Administrator can access this function by clicking More and selecting Configure Mail Workflow. This brings up a list of mail types from which forwards and replies can be defined.
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Only Project Administrators have access to create new mail types.
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By default, this can only be done by the user. However, if the Project Admin believes that administrators should be able to change the email address for other users, a request to enable this function can be made through InEight Support.

Access to the system, Modules, Mail types, Transmittal Types and Forms are managed using Security Groups.

At the time of sending the transmittal, tick the "Notify recipients of future revisions automatically" option from the transmittal compose screen for the recipients to receive any future revisions of the documents in that transmittal.
See Also:
Creating and Sending Transmittals
Transmitting Revised Documents
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A Non-workflow form only has two steps: Originator step and a response step (all other sections except originator sections belong to this step).
A Workflow form can have a more strictly controlled set of steps to follow. A form can move forward or backwards according to programmed workflow. You can also control and assign statuses to automatically change based on where the form is in the workflow.
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With the appropriate permissions, open the user record from the address book and edit details as required. To make a user inactive tick the Make Inactive box. Click Save once completed.
See Also:

Company administrators are similar to project administrators however they are restricted to admin tasks within their own company up to their own level of access/security.
Each company can only have one user assigned by a project administrator to be a company administrator.
Company administrators can perform the following tasks within their company:
- Create new users.
- Edit contact’s details within the project Address Book.
- Make users inactive.
- Change passwords.
- Create new Mail Security Groups.
- Modify Mail Security Group Definitions.
- Set Discipline Matrices.
- Approve and reject document subscriptions.
Importantly, a company administrator can only assign access and security levels that they themselves have been assigned. For example, if the company administrator has access to only Architectural documents (Discipline Matrix) and no access to send Transmittals, then users within that company cannot be assigned access to documents of another Discipline (e.g. Electrical) or be given access to send transmittals in InEight Document.
See Also:
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The process of creating a new user involves:
Adding the user to the Address book.
Assigning the user to a security group.
Setting the user’s access levels to the different modules of InEight Document.
Adding the user to a document distribution rule set (optional).
The minimum requirements for enabling Document users are adding them to the Address book and allocating them to a security group.
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Contact the project administrator and request for the company administrator to be changed.
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The project settings can be access by clicking the wrench icon on the top section of the dashboard.
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